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. <br /> 8. It is expressly understood and agreed that DMG is and shall e an independent <br /> contractor in respect to its dealings with Customer. Customer i interested solely <br /> in the results and exercises no control over DMG in its performan e of this Contract. <br /> 9. DMG agrees to hold the subject matter of this Contract as confid ntial and make no <br /> disclosure to any third parties except as required by law or to c rry out its services <br /> provided herewith, without prior written approval from Customer. Both parties agree <br /> that any and all information and/or data exchanged befinreen th parties, pursuant <br /> to this Contract, shall be considered confidential and proprietary. ustomer may use <br /> any final reports or findings, plans, designs, engineering w rk, or other work <br /> performed or prepared by DMG under this Agreement. Reuse f such reports or <br /> work results by the Customer for any purpose other than that for hich such reports <br /> or work were originally prepared, or alteration of such reports or ork results without <br /> written verification or adaptation by DMG for the specific purpos intended, shall be <br /> at Customer's sole risk. Reports and documents produced b DMG will be in a <br /> format acceptable for the intended use of the Customer. <br /> 10. DMG warrants that its Services (the performance of the Asse sment Monitoring <br /> Program at the Corley Landfill)will be entirely consistent with the Scope of Services <br /> attached hereto, and that it will stand behind its Services n perForming the <br /> Assessment Monitoring Program and in assisting the City of D catur present and <br /> discuss Program findings, reports, and recommendations with th Illinois EPA. DMG <br /> cannot warrant Illinois EPA approval of its recommendation , but will warrant <br /> providing all efforts agreed upon with the City of Decatur to obtai those approvals. <br /> 11. Use of the Customer name, logo or trademark in any way is e pressly forbidden <br /> without the written consent of the Customer. <br /> 12. DMG agrees to and shall comply with any applicable federal, s ate, or local laws, <br /> rules and regulations. <br /> 13. DMG shall maintain, during the term of this Contract, the following insurance: <br /> a) General liability, including Automobile liability, with limits of no less than <br /> $1,000,000 per occurrence; <br /> b) Workers' Compensation in accordance with statutory quirements and <br /> Employers' Liability, with limits of no less than $500,000 per occurrence; and <br /> c) Professional Liability, with limits of no less than $1,000,000 er occurrence. <br /> DMG shall provide certificates of insurance with Customer esignated as an '� <br /> additional insured. DMG shall be permitted to self-insure any or II of the insurance <br /> in Section 13a, 13b, or 13c above. <br /> 14. DMG shall be responsible for and pay all federal, state and local t xes including, but <br /> not limited to, social security and unemployment compensation xes applicable to <br /> its employees and its operation under this Contract. <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />