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S�ri,f 4"" , <br /> �S�� <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION <br /> Sfate of Illinois ) NOTICE OF SALE OF • <br /> )ss. . REAL ESTATE <br /> County of Macon ) '=� '�'� '="'� - -Offers to purchase <br /> � The 'City::of Decatur, should be submitted to the <br /> Illinois, will'receive and con- Cit Clerk .on or before <br /> I,the undersigned,do hereby certify that sider offers`from any,and all AuYust 11', _2000. The Cit <br /> I am the publisher of DECATUR TRIBUNE, interested.parties for.the pur- Clerk's Office is located on <br /> chase of the following <br /> a public and secular newspaper of general described real estate, owned ' the third floor of the Decatur <br /> circulation, ublished weekl in the Cit of Civic. Center, One` G K. <br /> P Y Y by the City: �' <br /> Decatur,Macon County,IllinoiS,and that the Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,and 7, • Anderson Plaza, Decatur, <br /> same has been re ularl ublished for at Block Seven (7) of,Higgin's Illinois.Offers submitted after <br /> g Y P 5uch time will not be consid- <br /> ' Addition to the City of <br /> least one year prior to the date of the first Decatur, as per Plat recorded ered, except at the discretion <br /> publication of the notice hereinafter men- in Book 97, Page 115 of the of City Council. <br /> doned, and is qualified as a newspaper as records in the Recorder's . The City. reserves the <br /> defined in Act-Cha ter 100,Sections 1 and Office of Macon County, ng� reject,any and all <br /> p Illinois offers, to-negohate with any <br /> 5,Illinois Revised Statutes. (Commonly� known as party submithng an offer, or <br /> 303 E. Orchard, 343 E. any other party, and to accept <br /> I further certify tha[ a notice, or adver- .Orchazd,351 E. Orchard,264 any offer,after negotiations or <br /> tisement, of which the annexed is a true E. Marietta, 302 E. Marietta, theebestin ere�sts�of the Citn <br /> 310 E. Marietta, 328 E. Y <br /> printed copy,has been re�ularly published in Marietta,330-332 E.Marietta, by the City Council regardless <br /> said newspaper,..r�.��:...'�.�,.times, once in 348 E. Marietta, 350 E. of pnce, �n the exercise of its <br /> home rule�powers. <br /> � each week for...,�s?g..�.3.�...successive Marietta,360 E.Marietta,and The City hereby provides <br /> weeks,the first publication thereof having 1015 N.Warren) a 30 day public nohce regard- <br /> L.ots34567"8910 <br /> been made in the issu of the DECATUR ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ing the disposition of real <br /> c�. 11,N75ft of Lot 12,N98ft of <br /> TRIBUNE on the a�?..� of�.... Lots 1&2 Block One(1 of 7. estate acquired with federal <br /> A.D. 20.o� and the last publication thereof K. Warren & Company�s 4th Community Deyelopment <br /> ' Addition to De�atur, as per Block Grant funds; pu�rsuant <br /> having been made in the issue f said news- to 24 CFR 570.505:.The:sale <br /> � Plat recorded in Book 93 Page and disposition will be based <br /> pa r published on the ..R.......... day of 11 of the records in tfie <br /> .. ..�e .:...A.D. 20�? Fee$.g.8.t�-A.... Recorder's Office of Macon upon the fair market value as <br /> County,Illinois,and Lots 1,2, determined by a certi�ed <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- 3.16, 17, 18,Block One of J. , � appraisal.Any proceeds bf the <br /> dis osition are, ro ram <br /> K. Warren & Company s Sth P P g <br /> unto set my hand at Decatur in said County Addition to Decatur, as per income and will be handled <br /> and State,this���day of.�:A.D.20 f?.4... Plat recorded in Book 97, . pursuant to 24 CFR 570.504. <br /> Page.115�of the records in the ub�tted�mme�tos may the <br /> Recorder s: Office of.Macon Neighborhood Services <br /> Q����� , County,Illinois Manager, at .the aforemen- <br /> (Commonly known as tioned address. Comments <br /> 243 E. Marietta, 253 E. , will be acce ted throu hout <br /> Publisher. Marietfa,269 E.Mazietta.279 ' the thirry day period.from July <br /> 'E. Marietta, 289•E. Manetta, 18,2000 to August 16,2000. <br /> DECATUR TRIBUNE 315 E. Marietta, 351' E. EXHIBIT A . <br /> Marietta,359 E.Marietta,925 �8_9� <br /> 'N. Warren; 250 E. King, 260 <br /> Received Payment E. King,.262�E. King, 304 E. <br /> King,318-320 E.-King,324 E. <br /> BY �ng, 328 E."King, 336 E. <br />