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However, in the event that it may be impractical to determine exact costs of indirect or service functions, <br /> eligible costs will include such allowances for these costs as may be approved by the Department. <br /> D. Documentation of Project Costs-All costs charged to the Project, including any approved services contributed <br /> by the Grantee or others, shall be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or <br /> vouchers evidencing in detail the nature and propriety of the charges, in form and content satisfactory to the <br /> Department. <br /> E. Checks, Orders,and Vouchers-Any check or order drawn by the Grantee with respect to any item which is <br /> or will be chargeable against the Project Account will be drawn only in accordance with a properly signed <br /> voucher then on file in the office of the Grantee stating in proper detail the purpose of which such check or <br /> order is drawn. All checks, payrolls, invoices, contracts,vouchers,orders, or other accounting documents <br /> pertaining in whole or in part to the Project shall be clearly identified, readily accessible, and,to the extent <br /> feasible, kept separate and apart from all other documents. <br /> F. Record Retention-The Grantee shall maintain(and shall cause its contractors and subcontractors to <br /> maintain),for a minimum of three(3)years after the completion of the Agreement, (which shall occur after the <br /> completion of settlement of audit findings), all books, records,and supporting documents to verify the <br /> amounts, receipts, disbursements, names of recipients,and uses of all funds passing in conjunction with the <br /> Agreement;the Agreement and all books, records,and supporting documents related to the Agreement shall <br /> be available for review and audit by the Auditor General,the Department,or the Federal Transit <br /> Administration(hereinafter"Auditing Parties"); and the Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with any audit <br /> conducted by the Auditing Parties and to provide full access to all relevant materials. Failure to maint�in the <br /> books, records, and supporting documents required by this section shall establish a presumption in favor of <br /> the Government for the recovery of any funds paid by the Department under the Agreement for which <br /> adequate books, records, and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported <br /> disbursement. <br /> G. General Audit and Inspection-Pursuant to 49 CFR 18.36(i),633.17,and 19.48, and applicable Office of <br /> Management&Budget Circulars,the Grantee shall permit, and shall require its contractors to permit,the <br /> Department or any other state or federal agency authorized to perForm audits and inspections,to inspect all <br /> work,work sites, materials, payrolls, and other data and records,with regard to the Project,and to audit the <br /> books records and accounts of the Grantee and its contractors with regard to the Project. The Department <br /> may also require the Grantee to furnish at any time prior to close-out of the Project,audit reports prepared <br /> according to generally accepted accounting principles. The Grantee agrees to comply promptly with <br /> recommendations contained in the Department's final audit report. <br /> H. Unused Funds-The Grantee agrees that upon completion of the Project,and after payment or provision for �' <br /> payment or reimbursement of all eligible costs,the Grantee shall refund to the Department any unexpended I <br /> balance of the Grant. Prior to close-out, however,the Department reserves the right to deobligate unspent <br /> funds. <br /> ITEM 12-REQUISITIONS AND PAYMENTS <br /> A. Requests for Payment by the Grantee-The Grantee may submit written requisitions for payment of eligible <br /> costs, and the Department shall honor such requests in the manner set forth in this ITEM. I�order to receive <br /> grant payments pursuant to this Agreement,the Grantee must: <br /> (1) complete, execute and submit to the Department requisition forms supplied by the Department in <br /> accordance with the instructions contained therein; � <br /> (2) submit to the Department an explanation of the purposes for which costs have been incurred to <br /> date or are reasonably expected to be incurred within the requisition period (not more than 30 days <br /> State/Federa!Capital Grant page 13 <br />