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J � <br /> The Grantee agrees that it will provide,or cause to be provided from sources other than(a)State funds, (b)federal <br /> funds, (c) receipts from the use of Project Facilities,or(d)operating revenues of the public transportation system,funds <br /> in an amount equal to the actual Net Project Cost less the amount of the federal funds actually paid to the Grantee in <br /> connection with this Agreement and less the amaunt of the State funds actually paid to the Grantee in connection with <br /> this Agreement. With the express written prior approval of the Department,all or part of this local share to be <br /> contributed by the Grantee may be provided by the Grantee in the form of contributions of professional, technical, or <br /> other services. <br /> ITEM 4-THE PROJECT BUDGET <br /> The Approved Project Budget is set forth in Exhibit"B"hereto. The Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur <br /> obligations against and make disbursements of project funds only in conformity with the latest Approved Project Budget <br /> (Exhibit B). The Approved Project Budget(except as otherwise provided in ITEM 11(c))may be reviseci Trom iime io time <br /> by approval of authorized Department personnel, but no Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the <br /> Department shall have approved the same in writing. <br /> ITEM 5-DOCUMENTS FORMING THIS AGREEMENT <br /> The Parties agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties hereto,that there are no <br /> agreements or understandings,implied or expressed,except as specifically set forth in this Agreement and that all <br /> prior arrangements and understandings related hereto are merged into or superseded by this Agreement. <br /> The Parties hereto further agree that this Agreement consists of this State/Federal Capital Assistance Grant <br /> Agreement,"together with Exhibit"A", entitled"Grantee's Application" (on file with the Department), Exhibit"B," <br /> entitled"Approved Project BudgeY', Exhibit"C",entitled"IDOT& FTA Assistance Programs Certifications and <br /> Assurances", Exhibit"D", entitled"Grantee's Board Resolution", and Exhibit "E",entitled"U.S. Department of Labor <br /> Transit Employee Protective Requirements Certification", all of which are by this reference specifically incorporated <br /> herein and made a part hereof. <br /> ITEM 6-REVERSION OF GRANT FUNDS <br /> A. Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act-This Grant is subject to the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILCS <br /> 705/1. This Grant is valid until January 1,2003, and grant funds are available to the Grantee and may be <br /> expended by the Grantee until said date unless the Department, at its discretion, grants an extension of <br /> time. Any grant funds which are not expended or legally obligated by the Grantee at the end of the Grant <br /> Agreement or by�e expiration of the period of time grant funds are available for expenditure or obligation, <br /> whichever is earlier,shall be returned to the Department within 45 days. Project close-out shall be in <br /> accordance with the Project Settlement&Close-Out ITEM of this Agreement. <br /> This date is subject to further revision at the sole determination and discretion of the Department. <br /> B. Failure to Appropriate Funds-This Grant and the processing of any requisitions and payment of funds is <br /> contingent upon the availability of sufficient funds appropriated to the Department by the Illinois General <br /> Assembty. The Grantee understands and agrees that the obligations of the Department to make any <br /> grants or payments under this Agreement are conditional upon funds being appropriated therefore by the <br /> General Assembly,and the Grantee shall not haid the Department liable for failure by the General <br /> Assembly to appropriate suf€'�cient funds for this Project. <br /> C. This Grar►t s�rd the processing of any requisitions from and the payment of any funds to the Grantee is <br /> cantingent upon this Project and the Grantee meeting all Federal requirements, and is further contingent <br /> upon the Department's receipt of the Federal funds for this Project. <br /> � State/Federal Capita!Grant page 6 <br />