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, �s� F:I.E' No. 092 0223 '00 15�10 I D�LAYPE-bJESTERN 6308976976 PAGE 1 <br /> . _.._ ._.._ --- --- ._. . . . ._ <br /> � .�cyne-Western �,k„�M�•,..r.�•,���n, <br /> 7'�l W��c TlliuuixAvcituc • Aurnr.ti[Ili�wii tSObUtL3R!12 • t'honC: (d;1A) R!)7-Ciy91 • Rnx: (li9ll) bA7�i!a'Ifi <br /> Febxuary 23, 2000 <br /> Mr. Mike Heiser <br /> Water �ept. Maintenanc� Supervisor <br /> City o� Decatut <br /> 1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza . <br /> Decatur, IL 62523 . <br /> R'E: DeWitt Well Eield <br /> Opar Mr. El�iser: <br /> We are pleased to submit our repor.t for the $P.xV�CQ ca1.! performed on <br /> C�bruaty Z5, 2000. This service call wras necessitated due �� Ghe <br /> problems with Well Pumps No. 7 � 8 at Lhe DeWitt well fic:ld. <br /> The pump in Well No. 7 has a broken lineshaft. It appears chat thc <br /> br.eak is near the surface. This may indicar_e rhat a shatt and/ar �haft <br /> couplinq brvke during the star��up process, perhaps due to �are- <br /> lubrication problems. Th� pump would need to he pulled re remedy rhe <br /> tiituation. <br /> The Well No. 8 pump is in poor. condition wi.rh a s�vere run-�u� nor.�.�.ed <br /> i.n the head shdit, in addition to consid�rable noisc dt�eing ttic b�c:kspin <br /> cyc�.e aft�r shutdown. There dppears Co be shaft m:i.salignmcnl. and�/or <br /> ' bearinq wear at Well No. 8 �lso, which can only be rerctedied by pull�ing <br /> the pump. • <br /> As wE discussed on the telephone Iast week, it would he g�ad to ch�ec:k <br /> the tmpeller adjustments of the rema.fnder oi the p�xmps. Yo» said you <br /> had planned on doing this al�eady and while it may not be a problem w�ir.h <br /> the other pumps, it would be best to check. <br /> • Layne-West�rn could provid� �he labor, �quipment, and m3teri�ls <br /> necassary Co pxoperly repair these pumps. We ��tilize �ur uwn M3ch�in�: <br /> Sh«p facility in Aurora to expedit� any repairs. This w��rk is r�orma�].l.y . <br /> perfarme� dn a time and material basis . <br /> Assuminc� the sites �re accessible, we es�timate � labor cos�: in the ra�nqe <br /> of $B, 50Q. OU l.o $9, 500. QO to mobili2e th� singlc� L-ime t� rhe sp�ci�ii�. <br /> wcYll (3) , pull the pump (s) tc> the �urfac:c, b.r.�i �fly inspc�ui� C���P �t�mp <br /> ��omponenr3 and reinstall ar►d Cest tha pu�np. This is �� Aer. �1PJ•1 <br /> estitn�it'e. • � <br /> �h� � <br /> u2z3oo <br />