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, <br /> . , , <br /> � - ��I i.E `No. 092 02i23 '00 15:10 I D�LAYPE-�b�STERN 6308976976 PAGE 2 <br /> .( <br /> Mr. . Mike Hoiser <br /> Water Dept. Maintenance Superviso.r <br /> City ot Deeatur <br /> R�': DeWitt WelY Eield <br /> Eebruary 23, 2040 <br /> Page Two .. <br /> The necessary would r►ot be known until trie �ua�p �s) is pullEd and <br /> inapected. At that time, we could provide a m�re detailed repair cost <br /> estimate. But nor.inq the age of the pumps, we think r_har � contingency <br /> for materials in the ranqe ot �1,400:00 to �2, 000. 00 would be <br /> appropriate, as well as an estimate of $1, 500.00 to rebuild a bawl <br /> �ssembly. <br /> �f it w�rr� determined that tho problenes at We11 Nos. 7 & 9 devel�ped, <br /> due to the dry bearings above the static water level (prelubc prablem) , <br /> the City could cansider the installation oF graph�lloy bearing insprr.s, <br /> in l.ieu of the existing rubber bearinqs. With long periods oL <br /> inactivity, the potentidl Por the dry bearing problems and diffi.r.ulry S.r� <br /> pre-lubrication of �he pumps wou].d be a majo.r fac�or•. The c:ost of the <br /> graphalloy bearings could be signiPican�, since the hPar.i.�qs thems�l�res <br /> are expensive, in addition to r,he fact that eacn bronze spider hub would <br /> need to be machined special for the press fit graphalloy beariny�. Wc: <br /> would guess that the cost would be in the range of a4, OQQ . 00 Lo <br /> 55, 000. 00 £ox 13 �0 14 bearings and while consi.der.ably more expensive <br /> than rep.lacinq the existing rubbex bear.ings, tne poter�tial for future <br /> problems would be significantly_ minimized. � <br /> Shoulci thera� be the need for any gear drive repairs in ou.r ma.i nr..en�nr.•e <br /> shop, this would be done o� a time a�d material basis at an estimated <br /> c��t of $700. 00 to 9900.00 each. <br /> arter. you have had a chance to re�riew our report an�l budgecary <br /> estimat�s, pZease give us a call if you have any questi�ns. <br /> , 'I'hank you. <br /> Yours very l:ruly <br /> Layt�e-T�e9tern <br /> a Uivision o! l.ayne Cntistcnsen Campany <br /> � I_ � <br /> ' omas P. Flealy, P.E. <br /> Assistant DisLrict Manager <br /> `i'FH/r�.p <br /> �`�_� <br /> 022300 <br />