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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE�RING <br /> CITY OF DEC:�TUR, �IriCO�i COC�ITY, ILLINOIS <br /> PROPOSED OLDE TOW�fE REDEVELOP'YIEi�iT PROJECT �RE� <br /> Notice is hereby given that on �fay 1, 2000 at 6.30 P.v1. at the City Buildin�, #1 Gary K. <br /> Anderson Plaza, Decatur, Illinois, in the City Council's meering room, a public hearin; will be <br /> held to consider the approval of the proposed redevelopment plan (entitled the"OLDE TOW�iE <br /> REDEVELOP'�IENT PL��1 OF THE CITY OF DECATUR,ILLINOIS",the"RedeveloQment <br /> Plan") and the related redevelopment project(the"Redevelopment Project")and the designation <br /> of that certain proposed redevelopment project area to be known as the "Olde Towne , <br /> Redevelopment Project Area"(the"Redevelopment Project Area"). The Redevelopment Project <br /> Area consists of the territory legally described on the attachment with this notice. The Olde <br /> Towne Redevelopment Project Area is the area very ;enerally bounded by Eldorado and William <br /> Streets on the north, North Franklin Street on the east, West Decatur Street on the south and <br /> Fairview Avenue on the west. <br /> There will be considered at the hearin� approval of the Redevelopment Plan and <br /> Redevelopment Project for and the designation of the Redevelopment Project Area and adoption , <br /> of tax increment allocation financin; therefor. The proposed Redevelopment Plan and Project is , <br /> on file and avaiiable for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk at #1 Gary K. Anderson , <br /> Plaza, Decatur, Illinois 62523. Pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and Project the City <br /> proposes to alleviate bli�hting and/or conservation conditions in the Redevelopment Project Area <br /> and to enhance the ta.Y base of the City and the taxin; districts havin� taxable property within the <br /> Redevelopment Project :�rea by utilizin� tax increment financin; to fund various eligible project <br /> costs to stimulate private investment within the Redevelopment Project Area. These eligible <br /> project costs may include, but may not be limited to, studies, surveys, professional fees, land and <br /> real estate acquisition and assembly, and related disposition, and public improvements and <br /> facilities. To achieve this ob'ective the Redevelo ment Plan ro oses to rovide assistance for <br /> J , P P P P <br /> � residential and commercial development, including, amon; other things, land and real estate <br /> acquisirion and assembly costs, interest subsidies, infrastructure, and related administrative and <br /> professional costs. <br /> Prior to the date of the hearin�, any person, includin� each ta�cin� district havin� property <br /> in the Redevelopment Project Area and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Communiry <br /> Affairs may submit written comments to the City to the attention of A. J. Krie;er, Department of <br /> Economic Development, #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza, in Decatur, Illinois 62523. <br /> At the hearin� all interested persons, including affected taxin; districts, may file written <br /> objections with the Ciry Clerk and shall have the opportunity to be heard orally with respect to <br /> any issues regardin� the approval of the Redevelopment Plan and Project, and the desi�nation of <br /> the Redevelopment Project Area and the adoption of tax increment allocation financin; therefor. <br /> The hearin� may be adjoumed by the City Council without further notice other than a motion to <br /> be entered upon the minutes of the hearin; fisin; the time and place of the subsequent hearing. <br />