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OLDE TOQAE BEDEYELOPi�B'P PBQTECT ARF.� <br /> . . CITY OF DEC�TIIB, ILLIAOIS <br /> Commeacing ai a point uf be�uming at the interse�on of the East <br /> ri�t-of-way line of�Iorth Fraai�iia S�eet aad the North right-of-way line <br /> of East Eldorado S� t�ea� Suuti� along t�e East right-of-way of <br /> Fraakiin Stitrt to the Suuth rig�t-of-�►ay Iine of East Wood S� thenc� <br /> West along the South ri�z�f-aray line af wood S�t w the Fast <br /> right-of-way of Saurh Laion S� thenc� Sou� along the East <br /> ri�ht-af-way Iiae of Saurh L�oa Sa�s to the South right-of-way line of <br /> West Decatur Sorer� theac��est aloag the South right-of-way of West <br /> Decasur Street to the West ri�t-of-way Iine of South Fairview Avenue; <br /> thence North along the Ri est right-of-way line of Fairvie^X Avenue to the <br /> intersecrion of the RTest ri�t-of-way Iine of Yorth Fauview Aveaue and tfie <br /> South right-of-way Iine of West IIdoiado Sareefi theace West alono the <br /> South right-of-way line of�V est IIdorado Sareet to the RTest right-of-way <br /> of North 1�ic�Iellan Sn-� t�eacs Narch aion; the West right-of-way <br /> line of North McLlellan Stre�t to the�iarth right-of-way line of the Norfolk <br /> Southern Railway, theace West along the Yorth right-of-way Iine of the <br /> NorfoIk Southern Railway to the West propezry of the Westdaie <br /> Shopping Ceater(Fairview Plaza), said FroP�Y line being the GVest line of <br /> the Southe3st % of S�oa 9, Tow�nsL�ip 16 North, Ran;e 2 East; thence <br /> North along the said West proge:ty Iine of westdale Shopping Ceater w the <br /> Wester}y exte�sion of t�e Narth ri�t-of-way line of West King S� <br /> theace East aiong the�Narth ri�ht-of-way line of West King Stteet to the <br /> West right-of-way Iine of Yorti� Fairview Avenue; thence South atong the � <br /> West riaht-of-way line of�iarth Fair�zew Aveuue to the South right-of-way <br /> liae of limted States (L�.S•) Route 36; meacs Souzheast�iy along the Sourh <br /> right-of-way of U.S. Route 36 w the intersection of the North <br /> right-of-way of Wesz Eldoradn Soce�s and the South right-of-way line of <br /> U.S. Route 36; theace East alon� the North right-of-way line of West <br /> Eldorado Street to the East riglit-of-way line of North Oakiand Avenue; <br /> theace South along the East ri�t-of-way tine of�torrh Oakiand Avenue to <br /> the North right-of-way line of West Riiiliam Stree� rhencs East along the <br /> Noith ri�ht-of-way of Ri��,�i uliam S�s to the East ri;ht-of-way <br /> of the Narfolk Southern Railwa,v, ti�ence Northeasteriy along the East <br /> ri;ht-of-way line of the varfoik Soiu��n Railway to the Vortti rig�t-of-way <br /> Iine of West Vorth Stre� ttie�c� E� �ioa; he vorth ri�t-of-way line of <br /> West North S�t to the Riest ri�t-�f-way Iine of North College Sueet; <br /> ttience Yorth alon;the west a�t-�f-�►ay Iine of�iorth College Street to the <br /> North ri;ht-of-way line ot R%est vor.h Stre�w theac� Esst alon� the �torth <br /> ri�ht-of-way line of West�iarth S�:� rhe E3st ri;ht-of-way line of vorth <br /> College S�fi theace South along the East ri�ht-�f-way line of North <br /> Colle�e Stre�t to the vorth :i�z-ot-�ay line of aest �forth Stre�t; thence <br /> East aion; the Norrh ri�u-�t-way line of West vorch Street to rhe West <br /> rig�t-of-way line of �iorth Churc� S�� tfienc� �iorth along the west <br /> right-of-way line of vorth Churca S� to rhe Nor�ti ri�ht-ot-way Iine of <br /> West E?dorado Stre�t; theac� E3st alon� the vorth ri�t-of-way line of <br /> Eldorado Strest to the point ofbe�innin„ ia the cicy of Decatur,in <br /> The �ounty of Ziacon, Zllinois. <br />