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CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION <br /> ' � � # 22308 uv <br /> Herald & Review <br /> Billed to Solicitors City of Decatur ' <br /> orAttomeys 1 Civic Center PL <br /> Decatur, IL 62523 <br /> In the matter of: <br /> Public Hearing <br /> � STATE OF ILLINOISI <br /> COPY OF ADVERTISEMEN7 I SS <br /> Macon County <br /> ; 2x�os <br /> F NCITY OF DECATUR,MACON <br /> • COUNTY,i�uNois Ptto- HERALD&REVIEW,a division of LEE ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED,a <br /> POSED OLDE TOWNE REDE- <br /> VELOPMENT PROJECT AREA corporation,does hereby certify that it is the publisher of the Herald&Review, <br /> Notice is hereby 9iven that an <br /> May 1,200o aT 6:30 P�M>at the a daily secular newspaper of general circulation in said County,printed and <br /> Ciry Butiding,&1 Gary K.Ander- <br /> son Piaza,Decatur,minots,mme published in the City of Decatur,in said County and State,and that said <br /> cLtty counc��'s meetin9 room,a newspaper is a newspaper as defined in"An Act to revise the law in relation to <br /> public hearing wili be held to <br /> consider the appraved redevel- <br /> opment plan(entitled 1he'OLDE notices,"approved February 13, 1874,as amended,and that the advertisement <br /> TOWNE REDEVELOPMENT <br /> PLAN OF THE CITY OF D6- O��OtIC2 h@f@U�tO 8��@X8d 811d 1118d@ 8 p81t Of thlS C@l�IfICBt@ h8S b@B�pUbIISh2d <br /> CATUR,I LL.IN015",the'Redeve�' <br /> opment.Plan') and the related in said newspaper at least LYUO successive days <br /> redevelopment pro�ect(the'Rr_ <br /> development RrojecY�a�a me � in each and eve co and im ression of the final edition thereof,and that the first <br /> designatfon of that certain pro- �Y PY P <br /> posed redevelopment pro�ect ublication thereof was in the final edition of said news a er on <br /> area to Ge known as the"Olde P P P <br /> Towne Redevelopment Pro�ect. <br /> Area•cthe'Redevelopment Pra': FfldBY the 7th , day of April <br /> �ect Area').The Redevelopment! <br /> Pro�ect Area consists of tne ter- A.D., 2000 ,and last publication in said final edition of said <br /> ritory legallY described on the <br /> attachment with this�otfce.The newspaper,and in each copy thereof on the <br /> Olde Towne Redevelopment Pro- <br /> �ecf Area is the area very gen- 8th day of April A.D., 2000 <br /> erally bounQed by Eldorado and � � <br /> wi��tam streets on the north,. which was the last day of publication of said notice;and that <br /> NOAh Franklin Street on the east, <br /> yyest Decatur Sireet on the south Mary Crisler by resolution of the Board of Directors,has <br /> and Fairview Avenue on The <br /> west. authority to make this certificate. <br /> There will be constdered aT the. <br /> hearing approval of the Redevel- <br /> Pro ect for�nd he designatio i' <br /> of the rtedeve�opment Prolect IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,the said Mary Crisler has hereunto <br /> Area and adoption of tax incrr i — <br /> ment allocatlon financing therr affixed the name of said Com an this 8th da of A nl <br /> for.The proposed Redevelop- P y� Y P <br /> ment Plan and Pro�ect is on file <br /> and available for public Inspec• A.D., 2000,- <br /> tton at the offfce of The City clerk <br /> at$1 Gary K.Anderwn Plaza, <br /> � pecatur,Ilfinois 62543.Pursuant <br /> Project fhe City pro�poses to alle- <br /> viate bli9hTing and/or conserva• F8@ $ 300.30 HERALD&REVIEW, a division of <br /> tion conditions in the Redevelop- LEE ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED <br /> ment Pro�ecf Area and to en- <br /> hance the tax base of the City Received $ <br /> and the taxing tlisTricis having <br /> taxable propertY wiihtn the Re- <br /> development Pro�ect Area By ��� <br /> utflfzing tax increment financing <br /> to funtl various eligible project, �ate: <br /> cost to stimulate private invest-, BY <br /> ment within fhe Redevelopment <br /> Pro�ect Area.These eligible pra� <br /> not beSlimited�to,�studest sur Herald & ReV1eW <br /> veys,pr6fesslonal fees,land and. <br /> '-rea�estate acquls�tion and as•; 601 E Willlam St <br /> r sembly,and re�ated disposiflon,; p O BoX 311 <br /> ; and public improvemenis and� <br /> ,facilities.To achieve this ob�er <br /> ttve the Redevelopment Plan DeCatuf IL 62525 <br /> 42-0823980 <br /> '����`•S�FSi'r . <br /> � �����a � z� <br /> � e � <br />