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S. �n. <br /> respective percentages of the items of cost shown below. The amount of the Grant will fund <br /> the actual costs of certain items in the Grant, as determined by the Department upon <br /> completion of the Project, to be calculated as follows: <br /> A. The following item(s) will be funded by this Grant at a rate of 80% of actual net project <br /> costs in federal funds and 20% of actual net project costs in state funds: <br /> 11.12.02a Purchase three heavy-duty buses <br /> 11.12.02c Purchase two heavy-duty buses <br /> 11.12.02e Purchase two heavy-duty buses <br /> 3. To amend ITEM 6 by deleting paragraph A - Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act in its entirety <br /> and replacing it with the following: <br /> ITEM 6 - REVERSION OF GRANT FUNDS <br /> A. Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act-This Grant is subject to the Illinois Grant Funds <br /> Recovery Act, 30 ILCS 705/1. This Grant is valid until January 1, 2003, and grant funds <br /> are available to the Grantee and may be expended by the Grantee until said date unless <br /> the Department, at its discretion, grants an extension of time. Any grant funds which are <br />, not expended or legally obligated by the Grantee at the end of the Grant Agreement or by , <br /> li ion <br /> the expiration of the period of time grant funds are available for expenditure or ob gat <br />' whichever is earlier, shall be returned to the Department within 45 days. Project close-out ' <br /> shatl be in accordance with the Project Settlement & Close-Out ITEM of this Agreement. <br /> This date is subject to further revision at the sole determination and discretion of the II <br /> Department. <br /> The parties hereto agree that the Agreement dated March 17, 1997, between the Parties is in all <br /> other respects ratifiec� and reaffirmed and that it continues in full force and effect as hereby <br /> amended. <br /> IN WITNESS WHERtOF, the Parties hereto have ca� ed this Agreement to be made effective <br /> and have executed as of the �"� day of Vl��r2� � , a-o�v , by their <br /> respective duly authorized officials. <br /> Accepted on behalf of the City of Decatur: <br /> Steve Garman <br /> Signature o uthori resentative Type or Print Name of Authorized Representative <br /> ATTE � <br /> City Manager <br /> ,cjF"'�-- / `��Ltif/� Type or Print Title of Authorized Representative <br /> City Clerk <br /> Accepted on behalf of the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation: <br /> � L�� � <br /> Kirk Brown, Secretary o Transportation <br /> State/Federa!Capilal Grant pnge 2 <br />