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�-�-,�� ¢-J��-"" <br /> CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION <br /> State of Illinois ) • <br /> )ss. , <br /> ' County of Macon ) <br /> I,the undersigned,do hereby certify that �.�_ ; .:�NOTICE�,� , .:� � <br /> I am the ublisher of DECATURTRIBUNE, PLEASE� ,,;:�....;,Te9,`KE� <br /> p NOTICE'that ttie:general"'pie=; <br /> a public and secular newspaper of general vailing.rate of,,wages,in.t'tiis:, <br /> circuladon, published weekly in the City of � locali .for'work�.in:consqvc-F. <br /> Decatur,Macon County,Illinois,and that the � ; don'o�"public work`s;�by;cori=;� <br /> same has been regularly published for at "fract has beeaascertaimed and., <br /> such;is on file and;available:.� <br /> least one yeaz prior to the date of the first � �fo� pulilic.inspection at-::fhe:;:: <br /> publication of the notice hereinafter men- office-of� the.=:;City��;Cleik;4; <br /> tioned, and is qualified as a newspaper as D'ecatur.Ciyic,Cen'ter;>=Tti�rd=? <br /> Floor;�One Gary"«K:{Arideison=rt <br /> de�ned in Act-Chapter 100,Sections 1 and P1aza;Decatur;I,llinois:'.;�.�;���.:�. <br /> 5,Illinois Revised Statutes. '•, :GNEN.,by=ordet.;of.itt�e;�. <br /> Council;;tliise28th��ay,�of;Juiie;{;�, <br /> I further certify that a notice, or adver- 1999: °?;.,�,;��_;�;�;���.' ;., <br /> tisement, of which the annexed is a We CELESTE_F:HARRIS";m°•;��..;; <br /> printed copy,has been regulazly published in Ci"ty'GIerk-�>��;.=:�; ,, � :� <br /> said newspaper,..........�...........times, once in [y,�of Decatui;3lllinois;� `- <br /> each week for.. .�. ... .....successive (71:},14)_ '.����;:�r?�:?*.:�;",'�;:_t.� <br /> weeks,the first publication thereof having . <br /> been made in the issue of the D TUR <br /> TRIB on the ..1.�.�..�.day of .... �..... _ <br /> A.D. 19.../`and the last publicado eredf <br /> having been made in the issue of s��t'd news- <br /> r ublished n the .,/..�4..r�!:� day of <br /> .... ... . ..A.D.19/.`4J�. Fee$....;�....7� ' <br /> I WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here- <br /> unto set my h�nd at Dec ur m said County ' <br /> and State,thisL..�.day of��.A.D. 19.9..y. <br /> � � <br /> G?.LC,/°�!l -C/ <br /> Publisher. <br /> DECATUR TRIBUNE <br /> Received Payment <br /> BY . <br />