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� � <br /> If the completion of aforementioned items of this contract should be unavoidably <br /> delayed, the OWNER shall extend the time for completion of the contract for the determined <br /> number of days of excusable delay. A delay is unavoidable only if the delay was not reasonably <br /> expected to occur in connection with or during ARCHITECT's performance, and was not caused <br /> directly or substantially by acts, omissions, negligence, or mistakes of ARCHITECT, its sub- <br /> consultants, or its agents, and was substantial and in fact caused ARCHITECT to default on the <br /> scheduled completion dates, and could not adequately have been guarded against by <br /> contractual or legal methods. <br /> Notification of DelaY <br /> ARCHITECT shall notify OWNER as soon as ARCHITECT has, or should have, <br /> knowledge that an event has occurred which will delay the completion of the stated work tasks. <br /> Within five (5) calendar days after the issuance of ARCHITECT's initial notification of delay, <br /> ARCHITECT shall confirm such notice in writing, furnishing as much detail as is available. <br /> Request for Time Extension' <br /> ARCHITECT agrees to supply, within five (5) calendar days of the initial notification of <br /> delay, any reasonable proofs that are required by OWNER to make a decision on any request <br /> for a date of completion extension. The OWNER will examine the request and any documents <br /> supplied by the ARCHITECT and shall determine if ARCHITECT is entitled to an extension and <br /> the duration of such extension. The OWNER shall notify ARCHITECT of the decision in writing. <br />' It is expressly understood and agreed that ARCHITECT shall not be entitled to damages <br /> or compensation and shall not be reimbursed for losses on account of delays resulting from any <br /> cause under this provision. <br /> ARTICLE V <br /> Assurances <br /> ARCHITECT, in the performance of this AGREEMENT, shall comply with all applicable <br /> federal, state, and local laws, statutes, and ordinances, including regulations for: (i) licensing, <br /> certification, and operation of equipment, facilities, and programs; (ii) certification and/or <br /> licensing of individuals to operate the equipment, facilities, and programs; and (iii) any other <br /> standards or criteria as described in the AGREEMENT to assure the quality of equipment, <br /> materials, and services expected. Additionally, ARCHITECT certifies that it will comply with the <br /> required assurances listed below. <br /> Architect Commitments <br /> Any written commitment by ARCHITECT within the Scope of Work for this AGREEMENT <br /> shall be binding on ARCHITECT. i <br /> 5of16 <br />