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, . <br /> . � <br /> Independent Contractor Relationship: <br /> 1. OWNER and ARCHITECT mutually understand that an independent <br /> relationship will be created by this AGREEMENT. OWNER is interested <br /> primarily in the results to be achieved; the implementation of services is the <br /> responsibility of ARCHITECT. No agent, employee, servant, or <br /> representative of ARCHITECT shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, <br /> servant, or representative of OWNER for any purpose. Further, no employee <br /> of ARCHITECT shall be entitled to receive any of the benefits that OWNER <br /> provides to its employees at OWNER's expense. ARCHITECT solely is <br /> responsible for its acts and for the acts of its agents, employees, servants, <br /> sub-contractors, or representatives during the performance of the <br /> AGREEMENT. <br /> 2. During the conduction of the services herein described, ARCHITECT is an <br /> independent contractor with the authority to control ad direct the performance <br /> of the details of the senrices. The results of the services described herein, <br /> however, must meet the approval of OWNER, and shall be subject to <br /> OWNER's general rights of inspection and review to secure the satisfactory <br /> completion thereof. <br /> Insurances <br /> ARCHITECT shall obtain and keep in force during the full term of this AGREEMENT the <br /> following insurance coverages: <br /> 1. Statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of <br /> ARCHITECT and its sub-consultants performing services unde� this <br /> AGREEMENT in the statutory amount required to comply with the laws of the <br /> state of each business' domicile. <br /> 2. Comprehensive Vehicle Liability Insurance for all vehicles used in conjunction <br /> with the perFormance of this AGREEMENT whether owned, non-owned, <br /> leased, or hired. Limits for bodily injury or death shall be Five Hundred <br /> Thousand and Zero One-hundredths Dollars ($500,000.00) per person and <br /> One Million and Zero One-hundredths Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per <br /> occurrence, and property damage limits of Five Hundred Thousand and Zero <br /> One-hundredths Collars ($500,000.00); or as an alternative, One Million and <br /> Zero One-hundredths Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single-limit <br /> coverage. <br /> 3. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits for bodily injury or <br /> death of Five Hundred Thousand and Zero One-hundredths Dollars <br /> ($500.000.00) per incident and One Million and Zero One-hundredths Dollars <br /> ($1,000,000.00) in the aggregate. <br /> 4. Professional Liability Insurance of not less than One Million and Zero One- <br /> hundredths Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for claims made regarding errors or <br /> omissions in the drawings or documentation of the PROJECT's design for <br /> which ARCHITECT has responsibility under this AGREEMENT. <br /> 6of16 <br />