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.� . <br /> - HOME PROGRAM -1996-199T <br /> COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ORGANtZATiON (CHDO) AGREEMENT <br /> This Agreement entered into by and between the City of Decatur, illinois, hereinafter called the"CitY',and <br /> the Near Westside Restoration and Preservation Society, organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, <br /> hereinafter called "NWRAPS". <br /> WHEREAS, the City has entered into an agreement with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban <br /> Oevelopment, hereinafter called "HUO", for the purpose of conducting a HOME Program, and;whereas the <br /> City as a condition of receiving HOME funds must reserve fifteen percent (15°h) of the funds for housing to <br /> be developed cr owned by a Community Housing Development Organization, hereinafter called"CHDO", <br /> and;whereas the City may commit additional HOME funds for CHDO projects; and whereas NWRAPS has <br /> been identified as a CHDO, subject to the terms and conditions stated below; and whereas NWRAPS <br /> submitted a proposal dated 2/10/99 and identified as Exhibit A (attached hereto) to rehabilitate units of <br /> housing and requested a grant of HOME funds not to exceed $500,000 to fund the activity under the stated <br /> proposal. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the parties in consideration thereto mutually agree and covenant as follows: <br /> 1. NWRAPS may receive up to $500,000 from the City under the HOME Program ($121,342.50 from <br /> PY96 and $378,657.50 from PY9n to implement the proposed rehabilitation. The proposed <br /> funding will be dispersed based upon actual project expenditures, for a total not to exceed the grant <br /> amount of$500,000. <br /> 2. NWRAPS shall use the funds as outlined in the proposal dated 2/10/99 (Exhibit A) for eligible costs - <br /> of predevelopment, acquisition, rehabilitation,soft costs and other eligible items associated with the <br /> projects. All additional sources of funds for the project must be confirmed prior to the start of the <br /> project. <br /> 3. NWRAPS shall provide the City with monthly progress reports and monthly financial reports. <br /> a. Monthly reports shall be submitted to the City by the fifth (Sth)working day of the <br /> succeeding calendar month. <br /> b. Reimbursements to NWRAPS will be made upon receipt by the City of the monthly <br /> progress and financial reports and all supporting documentabon. Supporting <br /> documentation shall include, but not be limited to: <br /> 1) Lien waivers, canceled checks and receipts for payment. <br /> c. NWRAPS shall submit Pay Requests,with proper supporting documentation,to the City on <br /> the 10th day of the month and the 25th day of the month. <br /> 4. NWRAPS shall maintain a proper accounting system, HUD approved for the HOME funds. <br /> a. A separate account shall be established specifically for the HOME Program funds. . <br /> b. Program income shall be identified separately and used prior to additional reimbursements <br /> by the City. <br /> c. Proper accounting shall be verified by an Annual Audit conducted by an independent, <br /> qualified auditor. Results of the Annua�Audit shall be submitted to the City within 30 days <br /> after completion of the audit. <br /> 5. NWRAPS shall adhere to all the requi�ements established by the federal government, State of <br /> �Ilinois, and the City as mandated in the applicable regulations, laws, codes and ordinances. <br /> 6. NWRAPS shall have the discrebon to select appropriate projects as identified in its proposal dated <br /> 2/10/99 (Exhibit A) and as determined by its Board of Directors and set policies associated with the <br /> development that are not in conflict with those identified in (5.) above. <br /> a. NWRAPS shall submit its p�ojects to the City for approvat which would include proposed <br /> construction schedule, cost estimate and project location. NWRAPS shall submit <br /> documenta6on to the City for approval of <br />