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Fadaral Resarva Bank o( Chlcayo ' April 19, 1999 <br /> ' P,o. Box 834 <br /> o.�• ....... <br /> ^ Chlcago, qlinols 60690•08�4 � � ` <br /> � ,, <br /> Genllemen: <br /> You are hereby �uthorized to•accept and hold In custody tor our accaunt :ecurlties by� <br /> First National Bank of Decatur , <br /> P1ed�a <br /> 130 North Water, Decatur. IL 62525 <br /> Addrtu(Clly and S�aleJ� <br /> We agree that ruch iecurlUes are held cubJect lo lhe terms and condltlons o(your OperaUng Qrcular No.13•A <br /> and hereby slgnlfy our knowledge and acceptance o( the terms and condltlons of sald clrcular. - II <br /> We further agr¢e that at your convenlence you may accept securities from th¢pledgor as replacement�or In <br /> substitutlon for those securllles pr¢sently held,provided that such Eeplacemenl or substltution does not reduce th¢ <br /> eggregate par amount o( securilles held (or our account, <br /> 'i�is nuthorizatlon Is llmlted to the(oUowing desf�nated secu�itles: <br /> (Indlca�e YES or NO on Ilnei proulded. Leave no bionks.) ' . ' <br /> A. Obllgoflont oJ fhe United Sloles Gouemmenf: ' <br /> Treosury gUls, Cerllflcafes of Indebfednest, <br /> Noru and$ondi. Yes <br /> 8. Obllgo�loni oJ Unfled Sta(er Gouernmenf Agencict, Yes <br /> G Obllgaflons of the Slate of N/A <br /> B, J�ligat�or,s o�thr uarlous Staie�. __ <br /> N/A <br /> E. Obllgatlon� of munldpolltles nnd pu611c bodles <br /> locafed ln N/A <br /> (Mdica�e namt o/Slo�e{i)) <br /> F. Oolfgoilcnt o/any munlclpoll�y or pubiic body � <br /> N/A� <br /> loca�ed!n Ihe j!/ty Slaeci, or lerrlloriet or <br /> Iniular pa�etiloni o/tha Un11ed Stote� __�� <br /> G. O�her(Speclfy) No <br /> Ci of Decatur tllinois <br /> (Corporale Sesl) (fVome o/publlt body(pitdpttJ) <br /> �: Terry M. Howley , <br /> 'Iltle; Mayor <br /> i,^:u:ess: �{�1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> Decatur, Illinois 62523-1196 <br /> SIGNATURE(S) GUARAMEED � " <br /> The F' N "'nal Bank of Decatur <br /> (Nomt Dcpodlo / <br /> . By: � , <br /> Tllle: Egecutive Vice President ;��poslfory instlf�Non Sonl► <br />