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. . - � . . . _ �. . <br /> ~ ��EXHIBIT B" . . - . . <br /> -•� � . <br /> ��`?'~� TRAFFIC SIGNAL NAINTENANC£ AROVISIONS <br /> .,,;� ' <br /> �EVEL I <br /> The maintaining agency agrees to: <br /> • 1 • Pa:rol the tra`fic control signal system on a reqular basis and replace <br /> burned out lamos or damaoed sockets as may be required. All lamps should <br /> be replaced as frequently as experience proves necessary to prevent undue <br /> failures. The reflector and lens should be cleaned each L' <br /> re�laced, All replacemen� lamps shaJl,,equal....the kattage andmtype�of�the � <br /> exis�ing lamp. •• - --. .._ _. . . <br /> 2. Keep sianal heads properly adjus��ed � ' <br /> and control l er . 'rontrdTler cabi�ne'ts, sianal� `'�, "'�_ __ . . . . . <br /> pedestals tiaht on their foundations and in alignment,posts, <br /> 3. Ke�p detecior equipment in proper working order. <br /> 4• Check the controllers. relays, and detectors at frequent intervals to <br /> asceriain that they are funciioning properly and make alt necessary <br /> repairs and replacamen;. <br /> 5• Ke=P interior of controller cabinet in a neat condition at all times. <br /> 6. Reraove. clean and overhaul the conirollers � <br /> special auxiliar (excep� solid-s�ate)� relays, <br /> ofi:n if ne=essar conirol equipmeit, and time clock once a � <br /> be removed p y' �hen solid-s�ote conTroliers malfunciion e they shall <br /> be removedeforrannualnmabntenan eeinspectsonsa_s`aip controllers. shall <br /> _� not • - <br /> . 7- Replac� burned out fuses. � <br /> 8• Clean reflec�ors, lenses, and lamns once every six (6) mon'rhs. � <br /> °- Reoaint all sional components exposed to xeather on a reaular basis. <br /> 10. Rep�ir or replace any and alt e ui men� damaged b an <br /> 4 P Y y cause xnatsoever. <br /> 11• Be responsible for nake recovery for damaae 'to an � <br /> insiaTlation or sys�ems from the.par'ry causing the danage. <br /> Y part o, tne <br /> 1z- Pro�ide alternate traf�ic conTrol durin a <br /> con�roller must be disconnected. 9 Period of failure or xhen the <br /> ins�allation of a spare controller, This may be accomplisned throuah <br /> manuall placing the interseczion on flash, � <br /> y operating the con'troller� or manually direc�ing trafTic through <br /> the use of Proper authorities. <br /> 13- Provide skilled maintenance personnel xho xill be available to respond <br /> Nithout delay to emeraency calls. This may be provided by agency forces, <br /> contract, or maintenance agreement. Con�roller failure. ligh�s out, • ^ <br /> knockaoNns, or t�+o (Z) red liahts out at an intersection are considered <br /> emeraencies. <br /> 14• Provide the DEPARTMENT the names, addresses, <br /> least txo persons who will b� and telephone numbers or at <br /> tra-"fi c si gnal s .and keep the DEPARTNEN7 in,formed of a�ye�hange s orr sa�„f1e the <br /> 1 � ' <br />