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WHEREAS, Owner desires to annex said Premises to the City, but only upon <br /> certain terms and conditions; and, <br /> WHEREAS, the City agrees that said terms and conditions, as contained <br /> herein, are reasonable and acceptable; and, <br /> WHEREAS, hearings have been held and notice given as required by law. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and <br /> obligations made and assumed herein, and pursuant to authority of 65 ILCS <br /> 5/11-15.1-1 et seq., the City and Owner agree as follows: <br /> 1. The Owner shall file an annexation petition with the City, in compliance <br /> with 65 ILCS 5/7-1-8, said petition to describe the Premises and to request that the <br /> same be annexed to and included within the corporate limits of the City. <br /> 2. The City hereby waives any requirement otherwise applicable that Owner <br /> pays to the City any fee for filing the petition referred to in paragraph 1 hereof. <br /> 3. Upon receipt of said annexation petition, the City shall annex the territory <br /> described therein to the City as provided by law. <br /> 4. That upon annexation, the City, by ordinance, shall classify and place the <br /> Premises in the M-1 Light Industrial District, as per the provisions of City of Decatur <br /> Ordinance No. 3512, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"). <br /> 5. That upon annexation, and subject to the approval of the State of Illinois <br /> Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, the City, by ordinance, shall alter <br /> the boundaries of the City's Enterprise Zone so as to include the Premises therein, <br /> as per the provisions of 20 ILCS 655/1 et seq. <br />