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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS I', <br /> The City of Decatur, Illinois requests proposals from qualified and experienced transit <br /> management firms for the management of the Decatur Public Transit System. Proposals will be <br /> received in the office of the Director of Community Development, #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza, <br /> Decatur, Illinois, 62523 unti14:00 P.M. on Wednesday, March 24, 1999. <br /> Specifications, instructions and the terms and conditions for submitting proposals may be <br /> obtained from the Director of Community Development at the above address. Phone (217) <br /> 424-2777. <br /> Any contract resulting from these proposals is subject to financial assistance contracts <br /> between the City of Decatur, Illinois and the U. S. Department of Transportation and the Illinois <br /> Department of Transportation. <br /> The selected firm will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Opportunity laws <br /> and regulations. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises shall have <br /> the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in this project. <br /> All firms will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptrollers General's list of <br /> ineligible contractors. <br /> Issuance of this Request for Proposals does not commit the City of Decatur, Illinois to <br /> award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in preparation of a proposal in response to this RFP, <br /> or to procure or contract for any services. The City of Decatur, Illinois reserves the right to reject <br /> any and all proposals and to readvertise. <br /> James L. Williams, Jr. <br /> City Manager <br /> City of Decatur, Illinois <br />