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EXHIB(T 1.3 AUTHORIZ.aT10N FOR FILING <br /> (FILING OF A CAPITA! Gi-c�•^,NT APPLICATION) <br /> � <br /> CERTf=1C�-10N <br /> (, Celeste F. Harris . dC �E�eby certi"ry that I am the fully quali;ied <br /> and acting City Clerk o`the City of D�catur. illinois, and as sucn Ciry Clerk, I <br /> am the keeper o�the seal, records and fl��s o�:ne City of Decatur. <br /> I do further certi"ry that at a duly cor,s�it��t�d and legaily c�nvened mesting o�th <br /> City Council of the City or Decatur, a r�sc(uticr was adopted in �ull accordance and <br /> conformity with the ordnance's of the City o� D�catur and the s;atutes o�the State of <br />' lllinois, as maae and provided, and that �`-;� ;ellowing is a compie�e and true copy of <br /> the pertinent provisions or said Resolutior. <br /> BE (T RESOLVED by the City Councii o� �^� City of Decatur: <br /> r . <br /> 1 , That the Ci'ry c� Decatur �ile a,� a��iic�tion with the State of(Ilinois in <br /> orderto obtain grant assis�G;-�� �,:��er the provisicns orthe Civil <br /> Adminisfrative Code or Iilinci� i;=�-; 8.5). 20 ILCS 2%05/49 e..seq.; th� <br /> Civil Adminis�rative Code o� iliinc:s ��Par� 9), 20 ILCS 5/51; and the <br /> General Oblications Bond Ac:, 3�� ILCS 330/4. <br />' 2. Tha; the Ci' Manaaer r`h= "iti• - A ��= � <br /> o � .. � . :.� D..catur is h..,.,� authoriz <br /> �Y „ , y �d ana <br /> direc��d to execute and ri1� c;; ���ai� of the City c� Decatur such <br /> appii�atior. <br /> 3. That the Ci'ry Manager o�the Cirv ��� Decatur is henby authorized to <br /> fumish suc7 acditional inTor„�a�icr: as may reasona�iy be required by <br /> the Division of Public Transpc��a:icn in connection wiih aforesaid <br /> apolication. <br /> I further certify that the original of��� compiete said Resolution is on file in the <br /> records of the Ciry of Decatur in my custo�y. <br /> I do further certi"ry that the foregoine Resolution remains in full force and efrec: <br /> and has not been rescinded, as amende� or alt=red an any manner since the date of <br /> its adoption. <br /> IN WITNESS WHE�EOF, I have her�ur;;o arfixed by oi�icial siarature a d the <br /> seai of the City of Decatur�his 21st dav oi Januar /, ^ 999. <br /> -�� - <br /> i ����� <br /> (I lile) City Clerk <br />