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1 that ' s being provided, predominately, just the <br /> � 2 availability of a timely service . But, I have a <br /> 3 list here, if you are interested in having it, <br /> 4 just from the contacts that have been made to me <br /> 5 by the organizations in this community. My <br /> 6 position is, I presently own and operate Baldwin <br /> 7 Shuttle . The taxi industry is new to me . I am <br /> 8 not in the business to put anyone out of <br /> 9 business . I am in business being a competitive <br /> 10 organization, and helping the community, and <br /> 11 uplifting the image, and helping the community, <br /> 12 and having a good service that the general public <br /> � 13 can rely on . If the City approves my <br /> 14 application, I will do what it takes to provide a <br /> 15 good, quality, dependable service, and beyond <br /> 16 that, I am interested in meeting with the current <br /> 17 o erators here in town ho in that we can work <br /> P � P g <br /> 18 together and mutually provide the community with <br /> 19 a service that is desperately needed for our <br /> 20 public . Thank you. <br /> 21 MR. COUTER: You said you had a list of <br /> 22 businesses that you had contacted about <br /> 23 complaints about service? <br /> 24 MR. CAREY: Actually, they contacted me <br /> � <br /> ANCHOR COURT REPORTING 4 <br /> (217 ) 428-0946 * * * ( 800) 774-8374 <br />