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Mr. Stephen P. Swanson <br /> August 28, 1997 <br /> Page 5 <br /> the pumping well will be read with the airlines in place on the wells. Water levels in the <br /> six new monitoring wells in the Glasford Sand and confining unit will be measured by hand <br /> using an electric water level indicator at least twice per day. At least one of the Glasford <br /> Sand monitoring wells will be monitored with a data logger to provide more frequent <br /> monitoring information. Water levels in both Cisco wells will be measured at least twice <br /> daily for the DeWitt County wellfield tests. Pumping rate will be measured with a <br /> temporary meter installed in the pump discharge line for each pumping well. <br /> The data from the pumping tests will be analyzed using the appropriate analytical methods <br /> to determine the transmissivity, storage coefficient, and boundary conditions of the aquifer <br /> as well as the vertical hydraulic conductivity and leakance of the confining unit. This <br /> information will be used to deternune the response of the aquifer to sustained pumpage <br /> and the effect on the overlying Glasford Sand aquifer by constructing a digital computer <br /> model of the aquifer as described in Task 4. <br /> Task 4) Construct Digital Model of Aquifer <br /> The aquifer properties measured in Task 3 will be used to construct a digital computer <br /> model of the aquifer using the Modflow modeling package. Modflow is the industry <br /> standard for ground water flow models and is the most versatile and widely respected <br /> package available. By using Modflow, the City will have a model that will be usable for <br /> years into the future and that will be readily understandable and respected by other <br /> governmental agencies or consultants. <br /> The model will be a two layer model to simulate both the Mahomet Sand and Glasford <br /> Sand aquifers and the confining unit that separates them. The model area will include the <br /> two well fields and enough surrounding area to incorporate the wells which have reported <br /> problems. The model domain will be large enough to prevent boundary effects from <br /> interfering in the zone of interest. The aquifer boundary conditions will be set on the basis <br /> of the pumping test results. The model will be calibrated to pre-test conditions and then <br /> verified using the pumping test data to demonstrate that the model accurately reproduces <br /> the aquifer's response to pumping. After the model has been calibrated and verified, it can <br /> be used to predict the response of the aquifer to various pumping scenarios as described in <br /> the subsequent tasks. <br /> Task 5)Determine Optimal Operating Schedule For Wellfields <br /> The calibrated and verified model developed in Task 4 will be used to predict the response <br /> of the aquifer to various pumping scenarios. The model will be used to determine the <br />