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� . J ' <br /> Contract <br /> Agreement dated June 3, 1997, for identification purposes only in entered into by and between <br /> Vliestern Staff Services, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Western" or "Contractor" and The City of , <br /> Decatur, Illinois, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "Customer" or "City." I <br /> Wherever used in this contract "shall" is to be interpreted as mandatory and "may" is to be � <br /> interpreted as permissive. Wherever a male gender specific pronoun such as he or his is used in <br /> this RFP a female gender specific pronoun such as she or hers may be substituted. The use of <br /> male gender specific pronouns is for convenience only. When not inconsistent with the context, <br /> words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the <br /> sin�ular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. <br /> 1. Term- This Agreement, which supersedes all prior agreements between the parties on this _ <br /> subject, shall take effect upon execution and continue for one (1) yeaz, subject to the right of <br /> either party to terminate at either time by the giving of thirty (30) days prior written notice, by <br /> registered or certified mail, return receipt. <br /> Renewal: The Contract may be renewed at the expiration of its term by agreement of both <br /> parties. Such renewals may be for one (1) yeaz periods if agreeable to all parties. If the <br /> Contractor chooses not to renew, he must notify the City of his decision at least thirty (30) days <br /> prior to the expiration of the Contract. Should the Contractor fail to provide notification of intent <br /> not to renew to the City thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the contract period, the <br /> Contractor must continue to perform services under the terms of the Contract for a period up to <br /> thirtv (30) day.s at the City's option. Notice of the City's intent to renew must be given to the <br /> Contractor in writing thirty (30) days before the expiration date of the current Contract. This <br /> notice shall not be deemed to commit the City to renewal of the Contract. City contracts which . <br /> brid�e City fiscal years may be continued each fiscal yeaz only after funding appropriations and <br /> proQram approval have been granted by the Decatur City Council. In the event that the Decatur <br /> Ciry Council does not grant the necessary funding appropriation or program approval, then the <br /> affected multi-year contract becomes null and void, effective May 1 of the fiscal yeaz for which <br /> such approvals have been denied. It is the intent of the City to retain a successful Contractor for <br /> a minimum of three(3)years. . <br /> In the event of default by one party, the other party may immediately terminate. Except as <br /> otherwise provided herein, when either party has knowledge that any actual or potential situation <br /> is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, that party shall, within <br /> five (�) days, give notice thereof including all relevant information with respect thereto, to the <br /> other party. The Contractor shall notify the City when it appears that City activities or personnel <br /> are in any way hindering effective e.cecution of the Contractor's work efforts. Should an <br /> emergency or urgent need require performance of services beyond the capability of the <br /> Contractor, the City may perform or supplement performance of Contract services with City <br /> personnel. Such performance by the City shall not constitute a breach of the Contract by the <br /> Cit�•. The Contractor's inability to perform these services may not constitute a breach of contract <br /> Page 1 of 14 � <br />