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cancellation. Failure of the Contractor to deliver a new and valid cectificate may result in <br /> suspension of all payments until the new certificate is furnished. <br /> Compliance by the Contractor and all subcontractors with the foregoing requirements as to <br /> carrying insurance shall not relieve the Contractor and all subcontractors of their liabilities under <br /> the provisions of the Contract. Contractual and other liability insurance provided under the <br /> Contract shall not contain a supervision, inspection or engineering services exclusion that would <br /> preclude the City from supervising and/or inspecting the services provided. The Contractor shall <br /> assume all on-the job responsibilities as to the control of persons directly employed by it and by <br /> any of its subcontractors. Nothing contained in the specifications shall be construed as creating <br /> any contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the City. The Contractor shall be as <br /> fully responsible to the City for the acts and omissions of the subcontractors and of persons <br /> employed by them as it is for acts and omissions of person directly employed by it. Caution <br /> shall be exercised at all times for-the protection of persons (including employees)and property. <br /> The Contractor and all subcontractors aze to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act <br /> of 1970, Public Law 91-�96, as it may apply to the Contract, and to other Federal, State or local <br /> job safety and health standards. The City, its officers and employees shall be named as an <br /> "additional insured" in the General Liability policies and it shall be stated on the Insurance <br /> Certificate that this coverage "is primary to all other coverage the City may possess." If an <br /> "ACORD" Insurance Certificate form is used by the Contractor's insurance agent, the words, <br /> "endeavor to" and "...but failure to mail such nodce shall impose no obligation or liability of any <br /> kind upon the company" in the "Cancellation" paragraph of the form shall be deleted or crossed <br /> out. Western also agrees to furnish the City with a certificate(s) of insurance. <br /> 6. Safety- To the e.ctent possible, the City agrees to provide a safe and suitable place for <br /> Western's employees to perform their services, which place shall comply with all applicable <br /> statutes and ordinances relating to health and safety, and shall be similar to the places of work <br /> provided for the City's own employees performing similaz or related work. The nature of the <br /> work performed by crossing guards is inherently dangerous and involves working conditions <br /> over which neither the City or the Contractor may have complete control. The work takes place <br /> outdoors and may involve ordinary hazards associated with travel and work in inclement <br /> weather. The City represents that it is in compliance with OSHA hazardous communications � . <br /> standards as well as right to know laws. The City agrees�to notify Western immediately of the <br /> presence of any hazards or hazardous chemicals of which the City is aware in or neaz azeas where <br /> Western employees are working or may be assigned to work. If a Westem employee is injured . <br /> during the assignment, the City shall notify the local Western office as soon as it becomes awaze <br /> of any such situation. <br /> 7. Settlement Payment- The City recognizes that Western has expenses in maintaining a staff <br /> (advertising, recruiting, testing, checking of licenses, references and health status, if applicable, <br /> etc.) and that if the City transfers one of Westem's employees to its payroll to perform work <br /> similar to that completed under the contract, a settlement payment is in order, except in cases <br /> where the contract has been terminated, has expired, or as provided herein, and Westem <br /> employees are subsequently hired by the City to provide crossing guard services. It is not the <br /> Page 7 of 14 <br />