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separate box for all ports and electronics. This creates a separate mounting problem in the <br /> vehicle. The box also contains only the minimum number (2) of serial ports required for <br /> operation. Although this unit is a pen based unit with limited touch screen capabilities, there is <br /> no on-screen keyboard function and this unit requires an electromagnetic pen to operate this <br /> function. The pens utilized for this function are priced at $55 each which creates an on-going <br /> cost consxieration for the department. <br /> The MicroSlate computer is a high tech computer that employs an Intel Pentium processor <br /> running at 120Mhz. MicroSlate does not unitize a heater, but offers an operating temperature <br /> range of-30 degrees F to a +130 degrees F. The docking station is a self contained unit that <br /> offers four (4) serial ports which allows for twice the expandability of any tested unit. The <br /> docking station also utilizes a self guided floating docking connection that gives more stability <br /> for in vehicle use and a longer connector life,thereby minimizing service. <br /> The MicroSlate computer is a true touch screen application. It employs an on-screen windows <br /> based keyboard that can be activated by use of the supplied pen, or by touching the screen with <br /> your fingernail. Loss of the pen does not inactivate the capabilities of this unit as experienced <br /> with the electromagnetic pen application.. The cost of the pen is $2.00. <br /> The final consideration in determining which computer to recommend is computer reliability and <br /> company stability. The Hammerhead Company marketed their first unit in January 1996. The <br /> company has several units in the field and all reports to date indicate that this is a reliable unit. <br /> The only drawback to the Hammerhead company is that the company has been in existence just <br /> over one year and have been sold to another company, Walkabout. This leaves some question to <br /> the stability of the company and the ability of the vendor to supply long term service. <br /> The MicroSlate Company began operation in 1987 and produced the first mobile display <br /> computer application in the Fall of 1988. They have a long standing reputation of quality and <br /> service. The company is noted in the public service area as being a front runner in mobile <br /> display computer technology. This is evidenced by the research and development applied to the <br /> , MicroSlate Datalite 500 computer and docking station. <br /> It is the recommendation of staff to purchase eighty two (82) mobile display computers from <br /> MicroSlate, Inc. at a cost of $571,049.38. This figure is considerably lower than the original <br /> projected costs for the mobile display computer application. <br /> Staff will be present at council to answer any questions. <br />