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,� , <br /> � r r <br /> If Client fails to make any payment due Engineer for services and expenses, including <br /> amounts wrongly withheld, within thirty (30) days after submittal of Engineer's billing <br /> therefor, the amounts due Engineer shall include a charge at the greater of the applicable <br /> maximum legal rate of interest or 2.0% per month from such thirtieth day; and in addition <br /> the Engineer may, after giving seven (7) days written notice to Client, suspend services <br /> under this Agreement until it has been paid in full the amounts due it for services and <br /> expenses. During the period of any such suspension, the parties shall have the same rights <br /> and obligations as are provided by Subsection 7 (c) of this Agreement. <br /> 4. TIME SCHEDULE <br /> The services required by this Agreement can be accomplished within approximately <br /> 5 calendar months, beginning on the day this Agreement is executed. It is recognized by the <br /> parties that this estimated period of time is contingent upon factors beyond the reasonable <br /> control of either party. Both parties will take all reasonable steps to adhere to the time <br /> � schedule. In no event are either this time estimate or any cost estimates to be considered <br /> a guarantee. <br /> 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT <br /> Unless extended by Amendment, this Agreement shall terminate June 30, 1996,which <br /> is approximately 2 months after services are expected to be completed. <br /> 6. ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br /> Engineer shall supply such additional services as requested by Client and agreed to <br /> by Engineer in connection with the Project. Separate proposals shall be submitted by <br /> , 10/28/94 HES STD AGMT 2 -3- <br /> ; <br /> TJ1703.AG7 <br />