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RESOLUTION NO. R95-171 <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED <br /> $10,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, <br /> SERIES 1995, OF THE CITY OF DECATUR, <br /> MACON COUNTY, ILLINOIS,AND AUTHORIZING <br /> CERTAIN PERSONS TO ACT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH <br /> WHEREAS, the Council (the "Council") of the City of Decatur, Macon County, Illinois <br /> (the "City"), has heretofore issued the following outstanding and validly subsisting and unpaid <br /> general obligations: <br /> GENERAL OBLIGATIONS BONDS, SERIES 1991 <br /> Original Principal Amount: $17,955,930.20 <br /> Dated: September 1, 1991 <br /> Originally Due: October 1 of the years 1992 through 1999 and 2014 <br /> Amount proposed to be refunded: $8,285,000 <br /> Refunded Bonds Due October 1 as follows: <br /> AMOUNT($) RATE (%) <br /> $8,285,000 6.90 <br /> which bonds may be called for redemption on October 1, 2001, or on any date thereafter at the <br /> redemption price of par plus accrued interest(the "1991 Bonds"); and, <br /> WHEREAS, the rates of interest currently available in the bond markets are generally <br /> more favorable than when the 1991 Bonds were issued, and it is possible to refund the 1991 <br /> Bonds at a net interest cost savings; and, <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to the powers of the City as a home rule unit of government under <br /> Article VII of Section 6 of the Illinois Constitution, the City is authorized to issue general <br /> obligation bonds to accomplish the refunding (the "Refunding") of the 1991 Bonds, and it is <br /> deemed necessary and desirable to borrow money and to provide for the issuance of not to <br /> exceed $10,000,000 principal amount general obligation bonds in evidence thereof for the <br /> purpose of realizing such net debt service savings; and, <br /> WHEREAS, $10,000,000 of the Bonds will be issued in a series designated as Series <br /> 1995. <br />