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ARTICLE 21 <br /> OTHER CONDITIONS OR PROVISIONS <br /> This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above. <br /> OWNER BEASLEY PROPERTIES CONTRACTOR J.J. SWARTZ C0. <br /> (.�'rkn�rture) (Signatin•e) <br /> Mr. Edward Beasley - Mr. Charles Nidiffer <br /> (Pri�rterl na»re and titic) (Printed nante and tiUe) <br /> AIA DOCUMENT A107•AABRf?V1A'1'ED OW'NER-CONTRAC'1'OR A(iREF.MENT•NINTf 1 EI)1'1 I()N•AIA'" •�)I9H' <br /> �� A�OT-1987 7'}IF. AMF.RICAN INS'17TUT'F. C)F ARCHITF.C'1'S, 17i5 NF.W YORK AVF.NUE, N.W., V('AtiHING'fON, I).C. 2i�uo(, <br /> WARNING:Uniicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyrlght laws and Is subJect to legal prosecution. s�$9 <br />