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� �_ � , . . . _. �� `� - ' � � �`� <br /> ` . ' ����(��z � �7'"'�=,-_ ._ - -- �` <br /> � ti11�t Iq� Ir��o� f=- -=.�,. ;;' c <br /> �.� . <br /> �=-� -- � ��`' <br /> ���I <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> eooK 2 6 � 2 pAG� 7 4 � <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made this eighteenth day of September, 1995 between Edward <br /> �easlev (hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), and the CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, a <br /> municipal Corporation(hereinafter referred to as "City"), <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Decatur has designated an area of architecturai and historical <br /> significance, i.n the central business district, <br /> WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of improved real estate located within the eligible <br /> program area, commonly known as 116 E. Prairie Street, Decatur, Illinois, and legally described <br /> as follows: <br /> Lots 1 and 2 of Miller's Resurvey of Lot 8 Block 9 Original Town of Decatur and Lots 11 and 12 <br /> in Block 1 Central Addition to Decatur, as per Plat recorded in Book 62 page 149 of the Records <br /> in the Recorder's Office of Macon County, Illinois. <br /> (hereinafter refened to as the "property"), and <br /> W�-�REAS, City and Owner desire to restore, maintain and preserve the exterior design <br /> and facade of the building situated on the property and open areas in the eligible area, and the <br /> City has agreed to provide funds for certain restoration work as set forth in this Agreement, using <br /> iunds made availabie to Ciry by ihe Communiry Development Biock i.rrant program of tize <br /> United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and <br /> WHEREAS, City has agreed to provide funds for renovation work to the exterior facade <br /> of the building as described in "E�chibit A" hereto, within the financial limitations set out herein, <br /> and Owner has agreed to perform the renovation work to the building as described in "Exhibits <br /> A" hereto. <br />