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► r <br /> T � H E A M E R 1 C A N I N S T I T U T E 0 F A R C H I T E C T S <br /> AIA Document A107 <br /> Abbreviated Form of Agreement <br /> Between Owner and Contractor <br /> For CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OF LIMITED SCOPE where <br /> the Basis of Payment is a STIPULATED SUM <br /> 1987 EDITION <br /> THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH <br /> AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. <br /> This document includes abbreviated General Conditions and should not be used with other general conditions. <br /> It has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Contractors of America. <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> made as of the Eleventh �y of September in the year of <br /> Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Five <br /> BETWEEN the Owner: Beasley Properties <br /> (Name mrd address) 116 East Prairie Street <br />, Decatur, 1L 62523 <br /> and the Contractor: J.J. Swartz Co. <br />' (�Vmne and address) 2120 North Oakland Ave. <br /> llecatur, lllinois 6'15'L6 <br /> The PI'OJeCt iS: Fa�ade Renovation <br /> (Nanre crr:d location) 116 East Prairie Street <br /> Decatur, Illinois 62523 <br /> The Architect is: BLDD Architects, Inc. <br /> (Ncrnre and address) 100 Merchant Street <br /> Decatur, IL 62523 <br /> The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. <br /> Cop}�right 19iC, 1951, 1958, 1)61, ]963, 19C6, 1974, 1)78, OO t987 by The American Institute of Architects, 17�5 New Yc>rk <br /> Avenuc, N.W.,Washington,D.C. 2000C.Reproduction of the material herein or substantial yuotation of its provisions withot�t <br /> written permission of the AIA violates the copyright laws of the United States and will be subject to lega(prosecution. <br /> AIA DOCUMENT A107•AIIURF.V IATED OW NF.R-CONTRACTOR AGRF.EM@Nl'•NINTff EDI'1'ION•AIA"' • �O 19R7 <br /> 7FIF, AMF;RICAN INS'Il"I1�7'F, OF ARCHITECT'S, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUF., N.W., WASHINGTON, DC. 20OfK A107-1987 1 <br /> WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying vto�ates U.S.copyright laws and is sub�ect to legal prosecutlo�. <br />