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RESOLiITION NO. R ��` � � I <br /> RSSOLi]TION ACCBPTING THE BID AND <br /> AUTHORIZING TFIB $X$CUTION OF CONTRAC'P <br /> CONII�IUNITY DgVSLOPN�I'P BLOCR GRAN'r PROJBCT <br /> 135 B_ PRAIRIS-FACADB GRANT PROGR�iM <br /> JANIBS AND BNIl�IY WILLIAMS <br /> B$ IT RSSOLV� BY TI� COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF D$CATtJR, ILLINOIS: <br /> Section 1 . That the change order and additional funds for <br /> the City of Decatur' s Community Development Block Grant <br /> Project-Facade Grant Program, 135 E. Prairie Street, James and <br /> Emmy Williams, and presented herewith, be received and placed on <br /> file. <br /> Section 2 . James and Emmy Williams are hereby authorized <br /> to execute the change order with Johnco Construction, Inc. for <br /> said project as submitted herewith. <br /> Presented and adopted this 17th day of July, 1995 . <br /> T Y M. H �-MAYOR <br /> ATTEST: <br /> CITY CLERK <br />