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�tr�cota covxrir � <br />' IRON WOA1�R8 (WSBT) - Wast of a straight lina just eaat of Route 51 to the sout6enst corner where Shelby, Macon and Moultrie counties meet. <br /> Tha follawinq li�t i� con�idorod a� thow day� for which holiday ratw of waqw for work porformad apply: <br />, New Years Day, Mamorial/Dacozation Dey, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Vatarans Day, Thankaqiving Day, Christmae Dey. Oanarally, any af these <br /> holidays which fall on a eunday ie celabratod on the followinq Monday. This then makas work perlormad on that Monday peyable at the <br /> appmpriate ovortime rat� for holiday pay. Common practica in a givan lxal may alter cartain daye of celabration such ae the day aftar <br /> Thanksqiving for V�toran� Day. If in doubt, pl�a�e cluck with IDOL. <br /> fiXPL�1NATIIXi OF CL118888 .. <br /> TRUCR DRI{BR - BUILDING, �►VY ARD HICHWIIY COQiBTRUCTIOIP <br />, Class 1. Driv�n oa 2 axl� trucks haulinq l�s� than 9 ton. Air campzu�or and wldinq machin�s and broa��, including thoee pulled bp <br />, eeparat� unita, truck driwr hslpsrs, warahousemsn, m�chanic h�lpsrs, grsa�ar� agd tir�man, pickup truck� whon hauling matarials, tooL, or <br /> man to and lrom aad on-tde-job sits, aad fork lifb up to 6,000 lb. capacity. <br /> Claso 2. R1�ro or tArw axlo trucks hauling moro than 9 ton but dauling less than 16 ton. ]1-lramo winch trucko, hydrolift trucke, or aimilar <br /> equipmont w}un uwd !or transportatioa pt�rpowo. Fork lifts owr 6,000 lb. capacity, winch tzucka, four axle cambination unite, and tYckot <br /> writ�n. � <br />, Cla�s 3. R1vo, thrN or four axl� truek� haulinq 16 ton or more. Driver� on wat�r pu1L, aechanics and working for�en, and diepatchara. <br /> Five axle or moro cambimti� unit�. <br />' Claee d. Law Hoy and O11 Distributors. <br /> OPERATINO SNOIN�PB - SUIbDIlIG, H$AVY AAD HIG9WAY COP9TAUCTIOP <br /> Clase 1. lbphalt 8crwd Man; )1�pco Concrot�8pr�aders; ll�phalt Pav�rs; Asphalt Plant 8nqin�er; 1laphalt,Rollors on Bltuminouo Concrata; 1►thry <br /> Loadals; HaCkllll�ri, Csuu Typ�; Backhoo�, Barb�r OrNn Load�rt; Bulldozer�; Cableway�; Ch�rry Plekers; Clam 8he11�; C.M.I. & ■imilar <br /> typ�-autoyrad� Larmla� pawr, autograd� plac�r i lini�h�r; Concr�t� 8r�ak�r�; Concze�e Plant Op�rator�; Conor�ta Pumpe; Cransa; D�rriek�; <br /> Derrick Boat�; Dwat�rinq 8y�t�m�; Draqllnp; 8arth Auqer or Boring Machin�s; Slwating ciraden; Bnqine�n on Dr�dgas; Gravel Procassing <br /> Machin�t; S�ed 8quipm�nt Gxra��r; Hiqh Lilts or Fark i.ilt�; Hoists with tw or mor� drums or two or mor� load linas; Lxamotivas, 1111; <br /> Machanics; llotor Oradors or 11uto Patrolap Op�rator�or Lw�rman on Dsydqa; Op�raton, ow�r Boat; Operators, Pug Mill (1lsphalt Plant�); Oranq� <br /> Poala; Owrh�ad Cran��; Pavinq Mix�r�j Pil�driwr�j Pip� Nrappiny and Palatiny Machia�s; Pwhdos�r�, or Push Cat�; Rock Crushere; Ro�s <br /> Carriers or 8lmilar Mschin�s; 8coops, 8ki�r, txo cu. yd. capecity and under; BhNp-Faot Roll�r (e�lf-Propelled); Shovel�; Ski�ar 8coope; <br /> Teet Hola Drillinq Machiiu�; Ta►�r Czan�s; Tanr Machin��; Tow�r Mix�rs; Track Type Bnd Lwd�rs; Track Typs Fork Lifts or Hiyh LifU; Track <br /> Jecks and Tamp�r�; Tractors, did�boom; TancAinq or Ditchinq Machiiu; Tunn�lluqq�rs; V�rmwr Typ� 8aws; Nhwl Typ� 8nd Load�n; Winch Cat; <br /> Scoops, 1111 or Tournapull. <br /> Clase 2. Air camprawn (�ik to �iqht); 1►sphalt Boosters and 8asters; 1lephalt Distributors, Asphalt Plant Piramen, Oiler on 71�o Pevinq <br /> Mixera when u�ed in Tand�m; Boom or winch Truck�; 8uildinq Slwator�; Bull Floats or Flexplanes; Concrete Finiehinq Machins; Concrete Saws, <br /> 9elf-Propell�d; Concr� 8pr�adinq Machia�s; Grawl or 8tono 8prwd�r, Pwnr Operat�d; Hoist, Jlutamatic; Hoi�t with One Drum and Ona i.oad <br /> Lina; Mlld Jacks� POst HOlY D1gqYI� MYcMIIiCal� ROad OI StINt SMtalp�I� Salf-Plopalled� Sisibll Ti11�I� Stlaw Machlnep ViblIIWry CampaCtoL� <br /> Well Drill Machines; 8ciuor� Hoi�t. <br /> Clase 3. 111r Campraswn, (ona to fiva); 111r Camprn�ore, Track or 8alf-Propelled; Bulk Cemant Batching Plants; Conveyore; Concrete Mixare <br /> (E�ccept Plant, Pavar, or Tow�r); Fir�en; Gutszators; 6rsasars; Halpar on Singls Paviag Mixar; Liqht Plants; Mschanic H�lpers; Mechanical <br /> Heatars; Oilers; Pow�r Porm Graders; Powor Snb-Gradan; Tractors without powor attachwnts regardlose of aize or type; Truck Crane Oilar and <br /> Driver; Vibratory Ha�ar (pw�r sourc�); Wat�r P�p�; W�lding Machin�� (on�/300 1►mp. or owr); W�ldinq Machin�s, (one to five). <br /> Other Classiflcations of Nork: <br /> For defiaitions of cla�sifications not othazwis� �et out, ths D�partment genarally has on fila �uch definitions which are availablo. If thars <br /> ia no �uch d�finition on filo, ttu Bur�au of Labor Statistics 8IC li�t will bo uwd. If a tuk to be parfosm�d is aot subjact to one of <br /> the cla��ificatioiu of pay �ot out, ttu D�pertmont will upon b�1ng contact�d atat� which a�iqhboring county has �uch a classification and <br /> pmvid� such rac�, such rat� b�ing d�d to �xist by r�f�r�nc� in thi• dxum�nt. Furth�r, i! no such n�lghboring county rato applia to <br /> the task, the D�part�snt �hall und�rtaks a sp�ciel d�t�rmination, �uch �p�cial det�rmination bainq thsn d�em�d to havs �xist�d uadar thi■ <br /> d�tarmirution. If a proj�et r�quir�� th�N, or any clas�ification not li�t�d, plw� contact IDOL at 618/993-7271 for wag� rata� or <br /> clarilication�. <br /> LANDBCAPINO <br /> Landacaping work fells undar the axistinq clauifications for laborar, op�ratinq wnginssr and trnek driver. The work parlormad by landacap� <br /> planteman and landscaps labor�r i• ew�r�d by th� �xi�tiaq cla��ilicatioa of labor�r. Ths v►ork performad by landscaps oparaton (x�gardl�u <br /> of equipm�nt us�d or ib sis�) i� cw�r�d by tlto cla��itieation� o! op�ratinq �aqinwr. Th� vrork partozm�d by landscapo truck driwn <br /> (raqardl��s of sia� o! truck driwa) is ew�r�d by th� classitiaatiotu of truck driwr. <br /> Paq� 1 of 1 <br />