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. � j � <br /> � 7 [ i <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA <br /> Parcel 1 <br /> The East 50. 14 acres of that part of the South 101 . 74 acres of <br /> the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 28, Township 17 North, <br /> Range 2 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian except that part <br /> dedicated for public right of way purposes for West Mound Road, <br /> North Westlawn Avenue and North Taylor Avenue, said property more <br /> particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the <br /> North Right of Way line of West Mound Road, said point being <br /> 1, 384 . 94 feet West of and 60. 0 feet North of the Southeast Corner <br /> of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 28, Township 17 <br /> North, Range 2 East of the 3rd P.M. ; thence N 00 degrees 46' 15" <br /> East (Assumed Bearing) 1, 609. 98 feet to a point on the South line <br /> of Cooper' s Second Subdivision as per plat recorded in Book 1405 <br /> Page 16 of the Records in the Recorder' s Office, Macon County, <br /> Illinois; thence N 89 degrees 58 ' 30" E, 1, 364 . 95 feet along the <br /> South line of said Cooper' s Second Addition and the South line of <br /> Cooper' s First Addition as per plat recorded in Book 300 Page 389 <br /> of the records of the Recorder' s Office, Macon County, Illinois <br /> and the South line of Weikel' s Rolling Acres Subdivision as per <br /> plat recorded in Book 300 Page 355 of the records in the <br /> Recorder' s Office, Macon County, Illinois, to a point on the West <br /> Right of Way line of North Taylor Avenue; thence S 00 degrees 46' <br /> 15" W, 1, 070 . 36 feet along the said West Right of Way line of <br /> North Taylor Avenue; thence N 89 degrees 13 ' 45" W, 20 . 00 feet <br /> along the said West Right of Way line of North Taylor Avenue; <br /> thence S 00 degrees 46' 15" W, 450. 00 feet along the said West <br /> Right of Way line of North Taylor Avenue; thence S 34 degrees 25' <br /> 50" W, 109. 69 feet along the said West Right of Way line of North <br /> Taylor Avenue to a point on the North Right of Way line of West <br /> Mound Road; thence North 90 degrees 00 ' 00" W, 1, 284 . 13 feet <br /> along the said North Right of Way line of West Mound Road to the <br /> point of beginning, containing 50. 14 acres more or less. <br /> Parcel 2 <br /> Beginning at a point on the North Right of Way line of West Mound <br /> Road, said point being 1, 384 . 94 feet West of and 60. 0 feet North <br /> of the Southeast Corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section Twenty <br /> Eight (28) , Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Two (2) East of <br /> the 3rd P.M. , thence North 90 degrees 00' 00" West (Assumed <br /> Bearing) , 1, 201 . 67 feet along the said North Right of Way line of <br /> EXHIBIT 1 <br />