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, • . <br /> APPENDIX F <br /> STATE OF ILLINOIS <br /> � DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION <br /> This certification is required by the Drug Free Workplace Act (30 ILCS 580/1 � sea.). The <br /> Drug Free Workplace Act, effective January 1, 1992, requires that no grantee or contractor <br /> shall receive a grant or be considered for the purposes of being awarded a contract for the <br />' procurement of any property or services from the State unless that grantee or contractor <br /> has certified to the state that the grantee or contractor will provide a drug free workplace. <br /> False certification or violation of the certification may result in sanctions including, but not <br /> limited to, suspension of contract or grant payments, termination of the contract or grant and <br /> debarment of contracting or grant opportunities with the state for at least one (1) year but <br /> not more than five (5) years. <br /> For the purpose of this certification, "grantee" or"contractor" means a corporation, <br /> partnership, or other entity with twenty-five (25) or more employees at the time of issuing the <br /> grant, or a department, division, or other unit thereof, directly responsible for the specific <br /> perFormance under a contract or grant of$5,000 or more from the state. � <br /> The contractoNgrantee certifies and agrees that it will provide a drug free workplace by: <br /> (a) Publishing a statement: <br /> (1) Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, <br /> dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including <br /> cannabis, is prohibited in the grantee's or contractor's workplace. <br /> (2) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of <br /> such prohibition. <br /> (3) Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such <br /> contract or grant, the employee will: <br /> (A) abide by the terms of the statement, and <br /> (B) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a <br /> violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after <br /> such conviction. <br /> (b) Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about: <br /> (1) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; <br /> (2) the grantee's or contractor's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace; <br /> 15 <br />