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AGREEMENT NO. : SRA 95-163 <br /> Sponsor: City of Decatur <br /> UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS <br /> STANDARD RESEARCH AGREEMENT <br /> (FOR NON-COMMERCIAL SPONSORS) <br /> This Agreement is entered into this date , <br /> between The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a <br /> body politic and corporate of the State of Illinois, with <br /> principal offices at Urbana, Illinois, hereafter called the <br /> "University" , and the City of Decatur, Lake Management Division, <br /> with principal offices at One Civic Center Plasa, Decatur, IL <br /> 62523, hereafter called "Sponsor" . <br /> WHEREAS, the University and the Sponsor desire to enter into <br /> an Agreement pertaining to a research investigation; and <br /> WHEREAS, the investigation is to be funded by Sponsor and <br /> carried out by the University, under the terms and conditions <br /> specified herein; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises hereof and <br /> the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties <br /> hereto agree as follows: <br /> 1. STATEMENT OF WORK. The University shall, with the funds <br /> made available by the Sponsor, furnish the personnel, materials, <br /> services, facilities, and equipment for the conduct of the work <br /> described as; <br /> "Watershed Monitoring for the Lake Decatur Watershed" <br /> (Exhibit A attached and incorporated) . <br /> 2 . PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS. The Principal Investigators <br /> assigned by the University for directing the performance of the <br /> work are Laura L. Keefer and Misganaw Demissie. If, for any <br /> reason, the Principal Investigator becomes unavailable, the <br /> University shall notify the Sponsor. If a mutually acceptable <br /> successor is not identified, this agreement may be terminated <br /> immediately by either party. Al1 costs and expenses incurred by <br /> the University to the date of such termination, and, otherwise <br /> allowable hereunder, including obligations to third parties, to <br /> the extent they cannot be cancelled, shall be paid to the <br /> University by Sponsor. <br /> 3 . PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE. The period of performance shall be <br /> from May 1, 1995 through July 31, 1996 . The period of <br /> performance may be extended under the same terms and conditions <br /> or such other terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon <br /> and amended hereto. <br />