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1 MR. BACON: It would be a different name on the <br /> 2 doors, but both of them would be Decatur Pride Midwest, I <br /> 3 take it, your business name? <br /> 4 MR. ANTONACCI : Same corporation. <br /> 5 MR. BACON: And you intend to show that on the <br /> 6 door of both cabs or not? <br /> 7 MR. ANTONACCI : They'd make us put like a DVA <br /> 8 Decatur Pride Midwest. <br /> 9 MR. BACON: And you're aware that if this license <br /> � 10 is granted that all of the vehicles, whether they are the <br /> 0 <br /> � <br /> 0 11 present licensed vehicles or the Yellow Cab vehicles, would <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � 12 need to comply with the terms of Chapter 60? <br /> g <br /> 13 MR. ANTONACCI : Yes . <br /> 14 MR. BACON: You would agree to that? Would you <br /> a <br /> � <br /> � 15 do that? <br /> � <br /> N <br /> O <br /> � 16 MR. ANTONACCI : Yes . <br /> d <br /> � 17 MR. BACON: Okay. What other things do you have <br /> � <br /> > <br /> 0 18 'to say to us this afternoon? <br /> U <br /> w <br /> � 19 MS. ANTONACCI : I'm Shirley Antonacci . I own the <br /> 20 company. In December, I applied with the Secretary of <br /> 21 State's office and I did get the name granted Decatur Yellow <br /> 22 Checker Cab Company; and regardless if the Council grants us <br /> 23 this, we are still going to add five more cabs to make a <br /> 24 total of 25 cabs in the town of Decatur which I think that <br /> Anchor Court Reporting <br /> (217 ) 428-0946 or 800-774-8374 6 <br />