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� <br /> . <br /> w • <br /> INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br /> The CiLy of Decatur (City) and Decatur Park Diszrict <br /> (District) under the authority of Ar�icle VII, Section 10 of the <br />, Constitution of Illinois of 1970 auihorizing units of local <br /> government to contracL between Lhemselves agree as follows : ' <br /> WHEREAS , the Park Dis'trict Police Act , 70 ILCS , Act 1325 , <br /> provides that the police officers o� the District have no police <br /> power ouLside the limits of the property of the District , except <br /> pursuanz to and in accordance wiLh an In�ergovernmen�al <br /> Coopera�ion Agreement , and <br /> WHEREAS, the City and 'the Dis�rict have determined that �I <br /> it will be in the interes"ts of the public and of Lhe Ci�y and � <br /> DistricL to provide that DisLrict police officers be vested with <br /> police powers outside the limiLs of the property of t"he District <br /> when an offense occurs on property of the District. <br /> THEREFORE, the City and District agree as follows: <br /> l . Police officers of the Decatur Park DisLrict are <br /> vested with police power within the boundari�s of the City of <br /> Decatur, as such boundaries exisL from timE to 'time, when an <br /> off�nse occurs on the property of the District . <br /> 2 . This agreement shall remain in full force and eff�ct <br /> until cancelled by either parzy by nine�y (90 ) days wriLLen <br /> notice given to the other party. <br /> 3 . The District shall protect, indemnify, hold and save <br /> harmless and defend the City, its officers , employees and agents <br /> against any and all claims , costs , causes and expenses , including <br /> but not limited to attorney' s fees , incurred by reason of a <br /> lawsuit or claim arising in favor of, or allegedly arising in <br /> favor of , any person , on account of personal injuries , death or <br /> damage to property growing ouL of, incident to, or resulting <br /> directly or indirectly from, acts under or pursuant to this <br /> agreement by the Dis�rict, iLs agents or employees. <br /> DaLed this l�,day of , 1995 . <br /> CITY OE ECATUR � DECATUR PARR DISTRICT <br /> / "v�l `' . <br /> B Y ;���� . /_-", �� ,= B YZ°����� �I <br /> /- ,� � <br />