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ACHIEVEMENT AWARD <br /> SUGGESTED CRITERIA <br /> A. Significant effort in the application of techaology and in the area of problem solving. <br /> 1. Employee suggests or implements procedures in his/her department that substandally improves work methods. <br /> a)Employee's efforts eliminate waste,unnecessary procedures or duplicaUon of effort. <br /> b)Employee suggests or implements cost saving inidadves which increase government economy,efficiency or <br /> effectiveness. <br /> 2. Employee's continuous outstanding job performance and/or self improvement efforts result in departmental and <br /> organization efficiency(service delivery at the least possible cost)and/or effecdveness (quality of service <br /> delivery). <br /> 3. Employee renders a useful skill or talent to the City which is not generally included in the employee's job <br /> function. <br /> 4. Employee's performance substanUally exceeds normal job e�cpectations. <br /> B. Extraordinary service to a citizen who is not an employee of the City of Decatur. <br /> 1. Employee makes suggestions or implements procedures that substanUally improve service to the public. <br /> 2. Employee's outstanding job performance and/or self improvement effort affects quality of service to the public. <br /> 3. Employee eshibits special skills or abilities that contribute to positive public relations. <br /> C. Extraordinary service to another City department or division. <br /> 1. Employee makes suggestions or implements procedures that substantially improve service to another City <br /> department or division. <br /> 2. Employee's outstanding job performance and/or self improvement effort affects quality of service delivery to <br /> another City department or division. <br /> 3. Employee exhibits special skills or abilities that contribute to positive relations with another City department or <br /> division. <br /> 4. Employee's outstanding leadership results in unifying the City work force. <br /> D. Commitment and service to community programs and agencies. <br /> 1. Employee makes substandal contribution to the community or his/her field of which enhances the prestige of <br /> the public service and City govemment. <br /> 2. Employee exhibits special skills or abilities which contribute to community wide goals. <br /> 3. Employee's initiative and leadership eff'orts contribute to the quality of relations with local, state or national <br /> agencies. <br />