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�ti�v. � , <br /> � � � - � � � <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made this third day of October, 1994, between 7ames E. Williams <br /> and Emmy L. Williams(hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), and the CITY OF DECATUR, <br /> II,LINOIS, a municipal Corporation(hereinafter refened to as "City"), <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, they City of Decatur has designated an area of architectural and historical <br /> significance, in the central business district, <br /> WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of improved real estate located within the eligible <br /> program area, commonly known as 135 E. Prairie Street, Decatur, Illinois, and legally described <br /> as follows: <br /> Lot One(1) of the Resurvey of Lots One(1), Two (2), <br /> Three(3), Four(4) and Eight(8) in Block Two (2) <br /> of the Original Town of Decatur, as per Pltat <br /> recorded in Book A, Page 1 of the Records in the <br /> Recorder's Office of Macon County, Illinois. <br /> Situated in Macon County, Illinois. <br /> Subject to easements, restrictions, party wall agreements <br /> and reservations of record. <br /> (hereinafter refened to as the "property"); and, <br /> WHEREAS, City and Owner desire to restore, maintain and preserve the exterior design <br /> and facade of the building situated on the property and open areas in the eligible area, and the City <br /> has agreed to provide funds for certain restoration work as set forth in this Agreement, using <br /> funds made available to City by the Community Development Block Grant program of the United <br /> States Department of Housing and urban Development, and , <br />