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� ��� <br /> Illinois Department Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Construction <br /> of Transportafion Under the Illinois Highway Code <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, by the council of the <br /> Councll or President and Boerd of Trustees <br /> City pf Decatur <br /> ,IIIIf101S <br /> City,Town or Vlllage <br /> that the following described street(s) be improved under the Iilinois Highway Code: <br /> Name of Thoroughfare Route From To <br /> Various Locations <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, - <br /> 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of replacinQ all stop, vield, one-wav, school crossina speed limit <br /> and do not enter siqns and posts in the City of Decatur; City Project 9433 <br /> ���tk��XXxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxXXxxXXxXXXXXxfee��ci� <br /> a�c#t��le�s�e�ti�w <br /> 2. That there is hereby appropriated the (additional)sum of �e Hundred 1�venty Thousand and no/100----------------- <br /> ------------------------------- ------------------------------ izo,000.00 <br /> Dollars ($ ) for the <br /> improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. <br /> 3. That work shall be done by tne ctty's Traffic controi staff ; and, <br /> (Specify Contract or Dey Labor) <br /> BE IT F!lRTHER F3ESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resoiution to <br /> the district office of the Department of Transportation. <br /> APPROVED �, � Phvllis E. Sands Clerk <br /> M rs. <br /> in and for the city of Decatur <br /> (Clty,Town or Villege) <br /> /� County of Macon ,hereby certify the <br /> � , �g C '' , foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by <br /> DepartmentofTrensportation the Council <br /> (Council or President and Board of Truslees) <br /> at a meeting on September i9 �9 94 <br /> � - <br /> � <br /> , ,�.� . <br /> Df tri t Engi eer <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and seal this <br /> dayof , A.D 19�`�" <br /> i <br /> BLR 4103(Rev.8/87) (S E A L) <br /> IL 494-0352 <br /> city Clerk. <br /> (Clty,Town or Vlltagel <br />