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. � <br /> 4. Upon grant approval , the city will submit, as an agreement <br /> condition, a statement of understanding that the sign materials <br /> letting will follow competitive procurement procedures. The <br /> letting will be conducted by the city. <br /> 5. Prior to installation of the signs and posts, the approved bidder <br /> will provide the city with two copies of the Manufacturer' s <br /> Certification confirming that the materials meet or exceed the <br /> Manual on Uniform Traffic Contral Devices and the Illinois <br /> Supplement to the National Manual . The city will furnish the DTS <br /> with a copy of the certification (see Attachmnent D) . <br /> 6. The Project Director will submit Quarterly Reports to the Division <br /> of Traffic Safety, as well as a final report. <br /> E. PROJECT MONITORING <br /> To ensure that the project is proceeding according to the approved <br /> contract and to assist project staff with any problems that arise, <br /> the Division of Traffic Safety Staff will conduct on—site visits. <br /> Failure to comply with the terms of the contract may result in <br /> cancellation of the project according to Section K of Agreement <br /> Condition. <br /> f. METHOD OF EVALUATION <br /> Project Director, Matthew C. Newell , will submit quarterly reports. <br /> Also, a final report and claims for reimbursement, along with any <br /> publicity and copies of the ordinances authorizing the signs as <br /> traffic control devices no later than November 1 , 1995. The claims <br /> for reimbursement will include full documentation of all cost <br /> incurred including invoices and proof of payments. A copy of the <br /> "Daily Hours Worked" showing name, date, hours of work, and rate of <br /> pay will be submitted. A copy of the proof of payment to individuals <br /> installing signs and posts will be submitted. A copy of hours the <br /> equipment was used in installation will be forwarded to the Division <br /> of Traffic Safety. <br /> It is understood that no signs purchased under the project may be <br /> installed on streets maintained by Federal Funds. <br /> i <br /> 3111V/3 <br />