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� <br /> _ ..� � �. <br /> « ' <br /> 7) �e District shall pr�are ar�d suY�it to the City c�arterly anrn�al <br /> reparts sh�owiryg the amaunts, appli catio�, ar�d manner of use of f�u�c]s paid to <br /> it by the City, ar�d shall permit th�e City to exami.i�e its books ar�d reoords <br /> upan reaso�able notioe�ar�d durir�g custoamary busin�ess hours. <br /> 8) Zb f�irthpx support good soil arid water vonservation practioes in <br /> said wat,exsh�ed, the City will pay the District, in additioa� to ttwse PaYments <br /> clescribed in paragraph 5 h�ereof: <br /> Upon request, pravide up to $35,000 to be u_seci for a targeted <br /> oost-share progxam for soil and water oonservation practioes. <br /> 9) �is Agree�nent supersedes ar�d replace.s an earlier agreernent, clat�ed I� <br /> July 18, 1994, between the parties hes�eto. <br /> DAZ� this ist day of August, 1994. <br /> MAOCIN C70LJNI'Y SOIL AND �Z�2 <br /> CIONfSERVATI�1 DISIRICT <br /> BY �?�� <br /> C��a;�� <br /> � CTI'Y OF L1F�CA'IURs; ILLII�T� <br /> l� /�,;= �i ; <br /> � �, /� ,�t�'- .��- — <br /> B17 s.� ..f4- ' <br /> Er1�C C. SL�C�lIl1t:Z� 170Y' <br /> AZ'�'1'S <br /> Phyll' . , City Clerk <br />