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', . . . <br /> with the ordinances of the City of Decatur, and the directions from time to time given by the City <br /> Engineer of the City. <br /> Section 4. Pavments The Grantee agrees to make annual payments to the City of Decatur as <br /> compensation for the privileges herein granted in the sum of One Dollar and Twenty-Two cents <br /> ($1.222) per lineal foot for each of the first five (5) years, and thereafter in amounts to be computed <br /> as hereinafter provided. Payments shall be made in advance on or before August 1, 1994, and on or <br /> befare February lst of each year thereafter during which this Agreement is in effect. Payment checks <br /> shall be drafted to the City of Decatur and shall be sent to the City Treasurer, City of Decatur, #1 <br /> Gary K. Anderson Plaza, Decatur, IL 62523, or such other location specified in writing by the City. <br /> Section S. Adjustment o,�pavment. The compensation specified in the preceding Section shall <br /> be adjusted at five (5) year intervals as of the following dates: January 1, 1999; January 1, 2004; <br /> January 1, 2009; and January l, 2014. The adjustment shall be made by increasing the then existing <br /> compensation rate by the total change in the Consumer Price Index during the five (5) years ', <br /> immediately preceding the adjustment date. In no event shall the compensation be less than that I <br /> established for the previous five (5) year term of this Agreement. The Consumer Price Index to be <br /> used shall be that published for the Chicago area by the United States Department of Labor(Avg. of <br /> 1982-1984 = 100, All Items for All Urban Consumers). <br /> Section 6. Transference: Grantee Remains Liable. The privilege granted under this License <br /> Agreement may not be transferred to any other person or entity without the express written approval <br /> of the City; provided, however, that the Grantee may assign the License Agreement to a legal entity <br /> which is a successor entity or a subsidiary or affiliate of Consolidated Communications, Inc., without <br /> consent, if prior written notice is given. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the <br /> event the privilege herein granted is ternlinated or the Grantee transfers title to the System or vacates <br />