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FUNDS TRANSFER AGREENIENT <br /> This agreement is entereci into and effective this 19t1'�� of July lq 94 by and <br /> between Magna Group, Inc., a Delaware Cotporation, and its wholly owned subsidiary, Magna Bank of Illinois, <br /> with i[s home office at 2''? East Main Stre�t, Bzllzville. IL ("Magna") and <br /> The City of Decatur, Illinois <br /> a municipal government or�anizecl uncicr ch� laws of <br /> I 11 inoi s ("Deposicor"). <br /> WHERE�S, Depositor keeps, or will keep, funds on daposit or invasted in dccounts in Depositor's namz <br /> with vfa�na; and <br /> WHERE�S, Dzpositor, from timz to time, dasires by m�ans oti writt�n. [elephonic, talzgraphic, or oral <br /> requests or orders to transfar such funds from Depositor's accounts at Matna to other accounts at Magna or to or <br /> from accounts at other depository instimtions for credit to persons or accounts desi�r►ated by Depositor; and <br /> Wf�RE�,S, Via�_na is willin�_ to make such transfzrs uncler thz tzrms and conclitions sat forth in this <br /> agreement; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of th� mutual pramiszs szt forth her�in, includin� Ma:na's <br /> aoreement to act upon written, telephonic, tel��raphic, or oral raquzsts or ordars of Dzpositor or its authorized <br /> reoresentatives and othar eood and valuabla considazation tha rec�ipt and �uffici�ncy of which is hereby <br /> acknowledsed, the parties a�re� as follows: <br /> 1. Funds Transfers Governed By This �►�reement. All funds transfers ("transfars") mada by Ma��na, at <br /> tha written, telegraphic or oral request of Dzpositor, from or to any account of Depositor, shall ba subjzct to and <br /> �overned bv this agreament. <br /> 2. Depositor Repr�sentatives. Bv wnttzn rzsolutions acc�ptab(z to �1a_na. Dzpositor shall d�si�_nate thosz <br /> individuaIs("Sivnatory Rzpresantativzs") �vho shall ba authorized on behalf of Dzpositor to �xecute ancl daliver to <br /> Magna this a�reemznt, any adjustmznts her�to, and any othzr docum�nts d�scrib�d hzr�in. Si�natory <br /> Representatives shall desi�*nate on thz "Dzsi��nation of Authonzzd R�presentativ�s" form at laast two individuals <br /> as tha sola representativ�s of Dzpositor, anci shall indicate on tha form thC functions that �ch Authorized <br /> Rzpresentative is authorizzcl to conduct on hzhalt ot Dapositor. D�si_nation of Customar Rzpr�szntativzs mav bz <br /> aitezed or revoked by Depositor upon writt�n noticz ro �fa_na from anv Si�_natory Rzprzszntativzs. However, <br /> biagna may, in its sole discrztion, act upon varbal notic�of rzvocation which �ta_na reasonably bzliaves to be from <br /> a Si�nacory Representativz and which rzvocation shall latzr bz contirmzcl in�vritin�:by a Si�aatory Rzpresentative. <br />, 3. :�uthorizations. Depositor authoriz�s �fa_•na: <br /> (a) to act upon all wnttzn, tziephonic, telz__raphic or oral transfzr rCquzsts ree�ivzd <br /> from Depositor or its Authonzzd Rzprzsantativzs; <br /> (b) to transfer funds from Daposicor's accounts with �fa;na to anv other specifizd Deposiror bani: <br /> accounts, whzthzr �uch accounts arC with �ta��na or othzr tinancial institutions <br /> ("Intra-Depositor Transf�r"). and from Dapositor accounts�vith �ta��na to any accounts of a third <br /> pam�, whzther �uch third party accounts ar� with �ta�sna or other tinancial institutions ("Third <br /> Party Transfzr"); <br />, FT�IL -�I9� <br />