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(e) to record m�ehanically dny voiced instructions to ��la�na ancl to r�tain �uch recorclin_�s for a period <br /> of at least 180 clavs from thz ciata such racordin_�s ar� mad�. <br /> (d) in Ma�•na's soi�cliscretion. to �xecute transfzr instructions transmitted by Depositor in any order <br /> or by any maans or routes which Magna may considzr suitabla unless Depositor rzquasts otherwise <br /> with respect to spzcific transfer of funcls. <br /> (e) to execute transfer instructions transmitted via a terminal maintained by Depositor or through <br /> Depositor's computer system without processin�: by Ma�na personnel ("Corporate Cash <br /> Mana3em�nt" or "CC�I"); and <br /> (� to charge Depositor a funds transfer fee as Masna may impose under its then current fee schedule <br /> and for any direct or indirect [ransfer char�es incurred by Magna in Magna's exacution of <br /> Depositor's wire transfer instructions. In Ma�na's sole discretion, such char�es may be assessed <br /> directly against Depositor's accounts, or may be imposed or char;ed to Depositor indirectly <br /> through account analysis and balance requirements. <br /> 4. Transfer Instructioas. <br /> (a) Depositor may reque�t Vfa_;na to establish one or more saries of"Repetitive Instructions", and to <br /> executa transfzrs pursuant to thts� instructions, bv providin�_ for cach such series all transfer <br /> information which will remain con�tant for th� saries on thz "Rzpetitivz Transf�r In�tructions" <br /> form. For tach such szri�s. �1a�_na shall issu� a "R�petitive Cod�" for us� by tha Depositor <br /> in the transmission of Rzp�titivz Instructions. <br /> (b) Transfzr instructions �vhich are not Rzpatitivc Instruction� �hall b� on_;inated by transmittin� to <br /> Ma�*na tha followin�_ information: � <br /> • tha name of tha Authorizad Rzpraszntativa transmittin�_ tha instruction I <br /> • PIN numbzr <br /> • Depositor's name <br /> � tha dollar amount ot thz transfer <br /> � th� account number of Depositor's account to ba dzbitzd <br /> • vfa�na or othtr tinancial insticution at which thz banzticiary's account to be crzdited is <br /> locatzd <br /> • tha account numb�r to bz creditad and th�nama of tha beneticiarv maintainin�_thz account <br /> • anv refzrencz or information text <br /> (c) CC�f wire transfer instructions shall b� ori�inatzd in tha mann�r spzcitizd by �fa_na. <br /> �. CC�I Functi�ns. Thz CC�I functions availabia to Dzpositor arz as follows: (i) funds transfer, (ii) <br /> secondarv authorization for funds transfzr instructions a. c1C.crihzd in thz Sccuritv Proc�clures Addzndum. <br /> (iii)inquines conc�rnin;� current halanczs in Dzposiror's accounts as affzcted by tha funds transfzr system, <br /> (iv) inquinzs ahout r�:ent funds transfzr activitizs on D�positor'� accounts. <br /> FTAIL 4i 94 <br />