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. , <br /> 6. Depositor Data Terminal. If Depositor us�s CCLt, thzn Dzpositor shall providz and maincain at its sola <br /> expense a data terminal at Depositor's placz of business in conformity with standards zstablish�d by Magna <br /> for such ternunal. <br /> 7. Security Procedures. All transfers shall be subject to thz szcuricy proc�dures ("Szcurity Procedures") set <br /> out in the Security Procedures Addendum attached hereto and incorporated harein. Depositor agrees that <br /> the Sacurity Procedures, with respect to �1a_•na's zxecution of Depositor's trdnsfer instructions, are <br /> reasonabie in thz context of Depositor's op�rations, requirements and internal procedures. Ma�na may, <br /> upon ten (10) days written notice to Depositor, require additional security measures affectin; Depositor's <br /> transmission of instructions. If Ma�na dzems it advisabi� or nec�ssary, Vla�na may require additional <br /> security measures on less than ten (10) days notice. If�fa:�na has not receiv�d Depositor's written waiver <br /> of such additional securi[y measurzs in tha form providad by VIa�_na, then such additional measures shall <br /> be deemed acceptable to Depositor. <br /> 8. Daily Deadlines. Magna shall astablish daily deadlines for th�transmission of funcls transfar instructions. <br /> Ma�na shail use its b�st efforts to axecute Depositor's instructions on the day raceived b�fore th� daily <br /> deadline. Ma�na shall not ba responsible to Depositor or others for delays in the execution of transfer <br /> instructions. Ma�na �hall ba zntitl�d, in ics sola discration, to chan�z claily dzadlin�s without notice and <br /> :Vtagna a�rees to use its h�st afforts to promptly notify Depositor of any such chan��z. <br /> 9. Finality of Instructioru. Depositor shall hava no ri:ht to ravarsa, ravoka or alter a funds transfer <br /> instruction after Ma�•na has taken action to imolament the�xecution of tha instruction, axcept upon mutual <br /> a�reement. Exc�pt upon its own initiativz or upon instructions by tha Daposiror. �vfa�ma shall have no <br /> obIigation to reyuest a rzturn of funds from any transfarea or intzrmadiary funds transf�r a__znt, r��ardlass <br /> of the extent of irre�=ularity, erronzousnass or lack of authority oti such [ransfcr. <br /> 10. Reliance on Instructioris. V1a_�na may rzly on the account numbcr in a paym�nt ordzr ori�;inated by <br /> Depositor that identitizs th� intarmadiary or bzneticiary's hank. zvCn if thz pdymznt orclzr iclzntifi�s bv <br /> name a bank diffar�nt from Via_na, if �fa_�na do�s not know oti any inconsistzncy in idzntification. <br /> Ma_na has no duty to d�tzct any inconsistencv in identification. Paym�nt of a paym�nt ordar ori_�inated <br /> by Depositor may ba mada by thC bzazficiary's bank on thz ba�is of an id�ntifyin�or bank account numbar, <br /> aven if it idzntitias a pzrson diffarznt from the named b�nzficiary, iti tha benzticiary's bank dozs not know <br /> of such an inconsistencv in id�ntification. Th� benzticiary's bank ha� no duty to d�tect any such <br /> inconsistency in idantitication. <br /> ii. Transfer Confirmation. �ia�*na a�rees to sznd to Deaositor within on� (1) businass day followin� <br /> Magna's transfzr of Dzpositor's funcis pursuant to a writt�n. t�izphonic,telz_�raphic or oral rzquest a�vritten <br /> confirmation of such funcis tran�fzr, and such writtzn contirmation shall idzntifv thz account from which <br /> the funds werz transfzrr�d, the amount oti thz funds transfzr, th� location to which thz funds were <br /> transizrred, and the dat� on whieh th� funds transfzr was zffectivz. Th� funds transfzr may also ba <br /> reflected on Dzpositor's pzriodic statament. Deposiror a__r��s that a raasonabla timz to notif;• Vfa�na of <br /> any unauthorizzd or erronzously zxzcutzd paymznt ordzr is�vithin thirty(30)calandar days after the zarlier <br /> of Depositor's rzcaipt of noticz that tha payment ordzr was acceptzd or zxzcutzd, or thz debitin�_ of <br /> Dzpositor's account with respect to thz paymznt ordzr. <br /> 12. �Vire Tcarufers to Depositor. If�fa:*na accepts a payment order in which Deposiror is thz beneticiary, <br /> Lta�na, may but shail not ba obli�_atzd to, notify Dzpositor of�uch accaptanca unizss VIa_•na has axpressly <br /> a__reed with Dzpositor with rzspCct to such paymznt ord�r. <br /> 13. Overdrafts. �ta��na shall havz no obli�_ation to Cxecutz funel: transfzr instructions it chC collzctecl balanee <br /> o[the account is not suftici�nt to complzte th� trans�zr. L;p�n �Cmancl D�po:itor�hall promptiv rzimbursa <br /> �fa_ma for anv amount transfzrrzd in z�c�ss of thz coflzctzd hdlanc� in dn�• Dzpositor account, to__zthzr <br /> �vith an �ffzcti��z ovzrdratt char��� 3s :tatacl in �Sa_na'� th�n curr�nt fe� sch�dule. <br /> FTAIL 4i9� <br />