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� � <br /> 14. International Funds Transfers. Upon Dzpositor's requ�st, i�1a_na a��reas to cransmit funds to a foreign <br /> country in United Statzs Dollars, or in such othzr availabiz currency as Dzpositor may requzst. Depositor <br /> acknowledges that it may not bz within V1a�*na's control to causC paymznt to th� benzticiary to be mada <br /> in United Scates Dollars, or in thz currency requested by Depositor. Dzpositor a_�re�s to assume the risk <br /> of loss due to the rate of axchan�_e bacween currencizs in thc zvent th� transfer is converced into another <br /> currency. Unless instructzd othzrwisz by Depositor, �Sa�na shall convert to United States Dollars at the <br /> prevailin� market rate of exchan�e anv transfer in a currzncy oth�r than United States Dollars receivaci by <br /> Magna for the account of Depositor. , <br /> 1�. Limitations of Liability. <br /> (a) General Limitation. Ma;*na's liability for any act or failure to act h�reunder shall be strictly <br /> limited to the liability imposed by ArticIe 4A or Subpart B of Regulation J as tha same may be <br /> amended from time to time. <br /> (b) Consequential Damases. �fagna shall not be liable to Customer or any chird party for <br /> consequential, indirect, or special dama_es, except where it is mandated under <br /> Articla 4A or Subpart B of Rz�ulation J. <br /> (c) Error Detection. Szcurity Proc�dures zstablishzd by Ma_�nd for zrror detaction in tha tnnsfer <br /> of funds ara providzd for Depositor's :.onvzniCncz only. Ma_*na shatl havz no dury to discovzr <br /> or rzport zrrors to Dapositor, nor shall Vta_na be liabl� to D�po�itor for thz failure of a Szcurity <br /> Procedure to dztect Depositor arror. <br /> (d) Force Vlajeure. :�Ia_na shall not b� responsibfz for any liabiliry, loss or dama:_e r�sultin�_ from <br /> any delay in exz:ution of or failur� to zx�cutz, any funds transt'ar instructions transmitted to <br /> Ma�_na, which is causzd by an .�ct of God, r�r�. r�oods, advzrsz w�athar conditions, or othzr <br /> catastrophas, war. nots, sabota�_�. acts oti_•ovemmental authority, acts of a public anamy, labor <br /> di�culties, aquipmant or computer tiailura or destruction, the unavailability, interruption or <br /> malfunction of communications facilitizs or utilitizs: delays or failure to act by Dzpositor or <br /> recipients of transferrzd funds and their employz�s, criminal acts or ���n�rally any cause beyond <br /> Ma��na's control. <br /> (e) Indemnification. Dzpositor a_r�.s to indzmnifv and hold harmlzss Vfa:ma from and a�*ainst any <br /> and alI claim,, demands, zxpznses (incIudin__ rzasonablz attornay's fe�s and court costs), losses <br /> or clama_es asserted a_�ainst Vta�*na by Dzpositor or any third party arisin�� out of any paymtnt <br /> order ��overnzd by thz tzrms of this a�_reemant. <br /> 16. Endre �greement, �►mendment, Se��erability. This a_�re�mant. toe�thar with any addenda, forms, and <br /> additional written a�_r�ments incorporatzd h�rzin by raferzncz, constitutas thz zntire a_rzzmznt of Magna <br /> and Depositor, and superszdzs all othar written or oral a�_rzzmznts with rzsp�ct to funds transfers. This <br /> a_reement may b� amznded only by writtan instrument zx�cutzd bv �fa_na and any Si��natory <br /> Representative on behalf oti Depositor. If any tzrm or provision in this a��rcamznt is hald to bz invalid. <br /> illegal or unenforczabl�, the ocner tzrms or provisions in this a��rz�mant shall not b� impaired and shall <br /> have full forc� and atifzct. <br /> 17. Notices, ConFrmatiorts and Scatements. All noticCs to�ta_na:hall ha in writin�;and directed to tha Wirz <br /> Transfer Dapartmznt at P.O Box 66931 S[. Louis. VIO 63166-69�l. Via__na �hall havz at least two (2) <br /> business davs to act on an�• noticz to it. .�nv contirmation oti funds transfar or account statament shall bz <br /> deemed transmitt�cl by �1a_na to Dzpositor if�ithcr hand delivzrzcl ro Dzpositor or mailzd tirst elass mail, <br /> posta_�e przpaid, to tha addrzss provid�d bv D�positor on thr form Desi_nation of Authonzed <br /> Representati�•es. Dzpositor �ha(1 notifv �Ia__na of anv chan�_z ot addrzss. <br /> FT.�IL =�i94 <br />