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" . � <br /> FL'NDS TR�NSFER SECL'RITY PROCEDURES <br /> �DDENDUi�i TO FUNDS TR�NSFER �GREE�IEN'T <br /> The followin, are tha Szcunty Procedures referrzd to in th� Funds Transfar A,reement dated <br /> July 19 ,19 9 4, between Depositor and �ta;na. Depositor acicnowled;es that <br /> the Sacurity Procedures are reasonablz in the context of Depositor's oparations, requirements and intemal <br /> procedures. <br /> 1. General Security Procedures. ThC followin� szcurity proc�dures shall apply to all wire transfers of <br /> Depositor under the Funds Transfer A�reement: <br /> (a) Cttstomer Callback. Bzfore axzcutin;; any oti Depositor's wire transtar instruciions. <br /> �fagna shall be entitled to verify the instructions by way ot a return tel�phonz call <br /> (which shall be recorded by Ma��na) to an .�uthorized Rzpresentative other than the Authorized <br /> Representativa originating tha instructions ("Custom�r Catlback"). Magna may execute <br /> instructions whethzr or not Customtr Callback is obtained, and shail not be liable to Depositor or <br /> othzrs solaly because�ta�na failed to obtain a Custom�r Callback. The cate�;ories of wire transfer <br /> instructions �enzralty subjact to Custom�r Callback �hail b� all transtizrs at or abova an amount <br /> hxad bv �ta::na from timz to tim�without notica to Depositor. Howzver, �ta_na shall ba antideci <br /> to requirz Customer Callback for any wire tran�fzr no mattzr thz amount. <br /> (b) l�lagna's Option Not To Execute Instructions. �1a�_na shaIl be antitlzcl, in its sola discretion, <br /> to elzcc not to axzcuta Dapositor's wire transfar instructions in tha av�nt th� instructions are <br /> inconsistant with information previously supplizd to �fa_na or ar� trdnsmittad other than in <br /> accordanc� wi[h tha tzrms of this a�,*re�mznt or if�fa�_na reasonably b�(iavzs tha[zxzcu[ion of the <br /> instrucsions mi�_ht r�ult in an unauthorized or zrroneous transfar of funds. <br /> (c) Personal Identitication Numbers ("PL�i" Numhers"). �fa_�na shail issua PIN Numbars to <br /> Dzposicor's Si_�natory Reprzsentative, for us� in tha initiation and verification of funds transfer <br /> instructions. I[ is thz Si�;natory R�presentatives's sola responsibility to ansure that tha PL�1 <br /> Numbers ara distributzd to tha propzr Authorized Rzpreszncativz(s), and to notify l�fa�na of any <br /> addition or dalzcion of individuals :rom tha D�i�rnation o"r :�uthorizad Rzpresantativas form. <br /> �fa_*na may reissue rep(aczmzn[ Pi�i Numb�rs as �(a__na in its sol� discration deems advisablz. <br /> (d) Repetitive�iumbers. A�providad in tha Funds Transtzr.-�_�rz�mznt, tiia�ma shall issuz Rzpati[iva <br /> Numbzrs tior usa bv Daposi[or in tha transmission of anv R�pzticivz [nstructions �stablished by <br /> Dzvositor. <br /> (z) Telephune Recordin�*. All tzlaphonic wira tran�fzc in�truction� and Customzr Callbacks will b� <br /> recorded bv �[a��na to allow tor vzritication oti thz dztails ot thCsz communications. <br /> (� Opti��nal Security Procedures. It�th� box b�lo�v is chzckzd, this sacurity proczdurz shall apply <br /> to all wirz t:anstzrs ot Depositor undzr tha Funds Transf�r .�_re�ment. <br /> [ j Tzst Codzs. �Ia__na shall issuz Tzst Codzs to D�positor's Si_natorv R�prasantativz(s), to <br /> be us�d by Depositor's .�uthorizzcl Rzprzsantative(s) for vzntication oti thz dollar amount of wire <br /> transfzrs. �ta�•na may reissuc Tast Codzs as �ta�_na in its sole discrztion dz�ms advisable. <br /> '_'. CC1I Securitv �fe:L>ures. ThC tollo�vin_� mzasur�s shall dpply to DCpo�itor's CC�1 t'unds transtiers. <br /> FT.3IL �/94 <br />