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� � . <br /> (a) Passwords. Ma�*na shall issuz a Master Password("Password")to the Dzpositor's Local Sacurity <br /> �dministrator ("LSA") in order tior the LSA to �ain acc�ss to thz CC�I System to �enerate <br /> passworcls for each ot th� Depositor's Authoriz�d Rzpres�ntativas. _ <br /> (b) Secondary �uthorization. �11 instructions (z:ccept for Rapetitive Instructions) initiated through <br /> thz CCvf system must be approved through th� Szconciary Wire Transfer Authorization Function <br /> I by a CC�t Representative other than tha CC�I Rapresentative who initiated such instructions. <br /> (c) Other CC�1 Security l�fe:isures. Magna may develop from time to time other security measures <br /> for use with the CCvt System as it may d�m advisablz and will notify Depositor of these <br /> measures before their implementation. <br /> 3. Depositor Security i�leasures. Depositor shall astablish procedures for protectin� the conf�dentiality of <br /> all PIN Numbers, Passwords, Rep�titiva Numbzrs,Tast Codes and othar security measures and shall makz <br /> the same lmown only to Authorized Representatives who wilt usz the sam�. Each individual PIN Number <br /> and Password shall ba disclosed only to the Authorized Representative to whom it has been assigned. <br /> Depositor shall promptly notify Ma�na of any breach of szcurity involvin� PI,�( Numbers, Passwords, <br /> Rzpetitiva Numb�rs, T�st Cod�s, and oth�r s�curity m�asures, includin�_, but not limited to, actual or <br />' suspected misuse, loss, misplac�mznt or unauthorized clisclosure_ <br /> 4. Request for �dditional Security �Ie:isures. Dzpositor may r�qu�st �tagna to follow additionat security <br /> measures as Depositor may dasira to m��t its security roquir�mencs. Dzpositor shall zx�cut� the Additional <br />' Sacurity Maasures form providzd by Ma_�na. <br /> Dated this 19th day of July , �9 94 . <br /> Depositor: , ity of U,ecatur�7Illinois <br /> $V: �'���, r �'4�' /� <br /> „� ..�� i <br /> Typed Vame: Er'ik C. Brech�itz <br /> T'ide: Mayor <br /> �I�GN�i B�NI: OF II.LL�iOIS <br /> Bv: <br /> Typzd �iam�: <br /> Tide: <br /> FT.�IL ��9�t <br />