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M7�CON COIIPTY� <br /> The fdllowinq liet ia coneidered aa those deys for which holidey rates of waqea for work performed apply: <br /> New Years Day, Memorial/Decoration Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterana Day, Thankagivinq Day, Christmas Day. Ganerally, any of thaae <br /> holidays which fall on a Sunday Ss celebrated on the following Monday. Thie then makea work performed on that Monday peyable at the <br /> appropriate overtime zate for holiday pay. Common practice in a given local may alter certain days of celebration auch ae the day after <br /> Thankaqiving for Veterans Day. Zf in doubt, please check with ZDOL. <br /> EXPLANATION OF CLASSES <br /> TRUCK DRIVER - BUZLDZNG, HEAVY AlTD gZGHWAY CONSTRUCPZON <br /> Class 1. Drivers on 2 axle trucks haulinq lese than 9 ton. Air compressor and welding machinee and brooms, including thoae pulled by <br /> aeparate unita, truck driver helpera, warehousemen, mechanic helpezs, greasers and tiremen, pickup tzucks when hauling materials, tools, or <br /> men to and from and on-the-job aite, and fozk lifts up to 6,000 lb. capacity. <br /> Clasa 2. T1wa or three axle trucka haulinq more than 9 ton but hauling lesa than 16 ton. A-frame winch trucks, hydrolift trucka, or similar <br /> equipment when uaed for traneportation purpoaea. Fork lifts over 6,000 lb. capacity, winch trucka, four axle combination units, and ticket <br /> writera. <br /> Claes 3. 7Wo, three or four axle tzucka hauling 16 ton or more. Drivere on watez pulls, mechenica and working foremen, and diapatchers. <br /> Five axle or more combination units. <br /> Class 4. Law Boy and 011 Diatributors. <br /> OPERATING fiNGINEEPS - BUILDING, HEp,Vy ANp AZGHWAY CONSTRUCTT.ON <br /> Clasa 1. Asphalt Screed Man; Aspco Concrete Spreadera; Asphalt Pavezs; Aaphalt Plant Engineer; Aaphalt Rollers on Bituminoue Concreta; Athay <br /> Loadeis; Backfillera, Crane Type; Backhoea, Barber Green Loadera; Bulldozera; Cablevaye; Cherry Pickera; Clam Shells; C.M.I. S aimilar <br /> type-autogrnde formlesa paver, autoqrade placer s finiaher; Concrete Breakera; Concrete Plant Operators; Concrete Pumpa; Cranee; Darricka; <br /> Derrick Bonta; Dewaterinq Syatems; Draqlines; Earth Auger or Borinq Machines; Elevating Gradezs; Engineers on Dredqes; Gravel Processing <br /> Machinee; Head Equipmeni Greaser; Hiqh Lifta or Fork Lifts; Hoiata with two or more drums or two or more load linea; Locomotivee, All; <br /> Mechanics; Motor Gradera or Auto Patrols; Operators or Levermen on Dredges; Operatore, ower Boat; Operators, Pug Mill (Asphalt Plants); Orange <br /> Peela; Overhead Cranea; Pavinq Mixers; Piledrivera; P1pe Wrappinq and Painting Machines; Puahdozera, or Push Cata; Rxk Cruahers; Roes <br /> C�riera or 3lmilar Machinea; Scoops, Ski�er, two cu. yd. capacity and under; Sheep-Foot Rollez (Self-Propelled); Shovels; Ski�er 3coope; <br /> Test Hole Drilling Machinea; Tower Cranee; Tower Machinea; Tower Mixera; Track Type End Loaders; Track Type Fark Lifts or High Lifta; Track <br /> Jacke and Tampera; Tractora, Sideboom; Trenching or Ditching Machine; Tunnelluggera; Vermeer Type Saws; Wheel Type End Loadera; Winch Cat; <br /> Scoops, All or Tournapull. <br /> Claes 2. Air compreasors (six to eiqht); Asphalt Boaetera and Heaters; Aephalt Dietributors, Asphalt Plant Fireman, Oiler on Two Paving <br /> Mixere when used in Tandem; Boom or Winch Trucks; Buildinq Elevatore; Bull Floats or Flexplanes; Concrete Finiahing Machine; Concrete Saw�, <br /> Self-Propelled; Concrete Spreading Machines; Gravel or Stone Spreadez, Powar Operated; Hoiat, Automatic; Hoiet with One Drum and One Laad <br /> Line; Mud Jacka; Post Hole Digger, Mechanical; Road or Sueet Sweeper, Self-Propelled; Seamaa Tiller; Suaw Machlne; Vibratory Compactor; <br /> Well Drill Machines; 5ciasora Hoiat. <br /> Class 3. Air Compressors, (one to five); Air Compreesors, Track or Sel:-Propelled; Bulk Cement Batching Planta; Conveyora; Concrete Mixers <br /> (Except Plant, Paver, or Ta,r��; Firemen; Generatora; Greasera; Helper on Sinqle Pavinq Mixer; Light Plants; Mechanic Helpera; Mxhanical <br /> Heaters; Oilera; Power Form Graders; Pawer Sub-Graders; Tractors without power attachments regardleas of size or type; Truck Crane piler and <br /> Drivez; Vibratory Hammer (poWer eource); Water Pumpe; Welding Machines (one/300 Amp. or over); Weldinq Machines, (one to five). <br /> other Classifications o: Work: <br /> For definitions of elassificatione not otherwise eet out, the Department generally hae on file such definitions which are available. If there <br /> is no such definition on file, the Hureau of Labor Statiatica SIC liat will be uaed. If a task to be performed ia not subject to one of <br /> the clasaifications of pay set out, the Depart�ent will upon being contacted etate which neighboring county has such a classificetion and <br /> nrovide auch rate, auch rate being deemed 2o exist by reference in thia document. Further, if no such neighborinq county rate applies to <br /> the taek, the Department ahall underuke a apecial determination, such special determination being then deemed to have exiated under this <br /> determination. If a pzoject requires these, or any clacaification not listed, please contact ZDOL at 217/782/1710 for wage rate� or <br /> clarificationa. <br /> LANDSCAPING <br /> Landacaping work falls under the existing classifications for laborer, operatinq enqineer and truck driver. The work performed by landscape <br /> plantaman and landacape laborer is covered by the exieting clasaification of labarer. Tha work perfozmed by landacape operatore (regardless <br /> of equipment uaed or ite eize) ie covered by the claasificationa of operating engineer. The work performed by landscape truck drivere <br /> (reqardless of size of truck driven) is covared by the classifications of truck driver. <br /> Paqe 1 of 1 <br />