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,. � <br /> b. For purposes of this Grant Agreement, "Net Project Cost" must conform with <br /> the requirements of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, Revised, "Cost Principles <br /> Applicable to Grants and Contracts with State and Local Governments," and with applicable <br /> guidelines or regu(ations issued by the Government. <br /> c. The Government's obligation to make Federal assistance payments is limited to <br /> the amounts set forth in the Approved Project Budget. <br /> Section 4. Local Share. The Grant Recipient agrees that it will provide sufficient funds, <br /> together with the Federal financial assistance provided, to assure payment of the actual Project <br /> cost of each project covered under this Grant Agreement. The Grant Recipient agrees that none <br /> of the funds it provides will be derived from: (a) Federal funds (except as may otherwise be <br /> authorized by Federal statute), (b) receipts from the use of the Project or Program facilities or <br /> equipment (except as may otherwise be authorized by Federal statute), or (c) revenues of the <br /> public transit system in which such facilities or equipment are used. The Grant Recipient further <br /> agrees that no refund or reduction of the amount provided by the Government will be made at any <br /> time, unless there is at the same tiine a refund to the Government of a proportional amount of the <br /> Federal financial assistance provided, unless expressly approved otherwise in writing by the <br /> Government. The Grant Recipient's obligation to provide the Local Share is calculated on a <br /> project-by-project basis for each project covered by this Grant Agreement, whether or not the <br /> project is included within a Program of Projects. <br /> Section 5. Labor Protection. The Grant Recipient agrees to carry out the Project in <br /> conformance with the terms and conditions deternuned by the Secretary of Labor to be fair and <br /> equitable to protect the interests of employees affected by the Project and meet the requirements <br /> of section 13(c) of the Federal Transit Act, as amended, 49 U.S.C. app. § 1609(c), and <br /> Department of Labor (DOL), "Guidelines, Section 13(c), Federal Transit Act, as Amended," <br /> 29 C.F.R. Part 215. These terms and conditions are identified in the letter of certification from <br /> DOL to FTA, the date of which letter is set forth in the Notification of Grant Approval. 1'he <br /> Grant Recipient agrees to carry out the Project in compliance with the conditions stated in that <br /> DOL letter. That letter and any documents cited in that letter are incorporated herein by <br /> reference and made part of this Grant Agreement. <br /> Section 6. Plannine. The Grant Recipient agrees to comply with the plans developed in <br /> accordance with section S of the Federal Transit Act, as amended, and joint FHWA/FTA <br /> regu(ations, "Planning Assistance and Standards," 23 C.F.R. Part 450 and 49 C.F.R. Part 613 <br /> Pa�e 2 <br />